
Payment of PRP of coal officers will be done till June 26, order issued

Dhanbad News: The performance related pay (PRP) of coal officers will be paid by June 26. About 17,000 officers of Coal India including 2,000 of BCCL will be benefitted by this. On Wednesday, Surpureddy V Raveendran, Head of the Establishment Department of Coal India, has issued the order for PRP payment for the financial year 20221-22. Accordingly, coal companies have been asked to remove the kitty factor by June 23. Completing the entire process, the PRP amount has been asked to be paid by June 26.

BCCL officials will get more PRP

Due to improvement in score and rating, this time BCCL officials will get more PRP than last year. BCCL’s rating was Good in the financial year 2020-21, while Very Good rating has been received in the year 2021-22. In such a situation, this time the BCCL officials are expected to get PRP ranging from Rs 2.5 lakh to Rs 13 lakh.

Worst performance of ECL and SECL

In the financial year 2021-22, the worst performance among the eight companies of Coal India has been that of ECL and SECL. Both the companies have received Good rating, while BCCL has received Very Good and other five companies (CCL, NCL, WCL, MCL and CMPDI) have received Excellent rating. In such a situation, the officers of coal companies with excellent rating will get maximum PRP. While Very Good will get a little less than that and the one with Good rating will get the lowest PRP.

Score-rating of coal companies in the financial year 2021-22

company score rating

  • BCCL 88.93 Very Good

  • ECL 61.46 Good

  • CCL 91.99 Excellent

  • SECL 69.67 Good

  • MCL 95.18 Excellent

  • CMPDI 93.56 Excellent

  • Coal India 61.5 Good

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