
‘Patna High Court will be blown up with explosive material’ ATS arrived after receiving threat, security increased

Patna High Court Has received a bomb threat. The miscreants sent this threat by sending an e-mail to the Registrar General of the High Court on Friday. On receiving information about this, there was panic in the police department. on occasion ATSTeams of Patna Police, Bomb Squad and Dog Squad arrived. After this, a search was conducted all around the High Court with the help of bomb disposal squad as well as sniffer dogs. However, no objectionable material has been found. Security personnel were increased at all the gates of the High Court. Police officials remained busy investigating in the High Court. Information about who has sent this threat has not been found yet. But, the police administration is trying to find out who has sent the threat of blowing up the Patna High Court to the registered general of the High Court on his email. The Registrar General of the High Court has also confirmed receiving the threat on e-mail.

what is in the email

DSP Law and Order Krishna Murari Prasad said that no suspicious or objectionable item has been recovered. Investigation is being done to find out from where and who has sent the e-mail. In the threatening e-mail received by the Registrar General, it is written that, ‘Explosive material has been placed and Patna High Court will be blown up’.

Police personnel investigating in Patna High Court

Who sent the e-mail?

Who sent the e-mail and from where? Technical cell of Patna Police is deployed to gather complete information about this matter. Till now, only thing has become clear that a group named Terrorists 111 has threatened to plant explosives and blow them up in Patna High Court, Indian Museum of Kolkata as well as other High Courts and public places of the country in one go.

Information about which group this is has not been received yet. Terrorizers Is it a terrorist group or is it someone’s bullying? This is being ascertained. Along with Patna, the police of other states of the country are also trying to get information from which IP address this mail has been sent.

dog squad

Police and ATS arrived with force

Security was increased at all the gates after receiving a bomb threat to the court. Teams from several police stations including SSP Rajeev Mishra, City SP Central Vaibhav Sharma, DSP Law and Order Krishna Murari Prasad, Kotwali Police Station Head Sanjeet Kumar arrived with full force and then at around four o’clock the ATS team also arrived.

Individuals searched

Also, investigation was started after calling bomb squad and dog squad. Every person coming and going was searched using a metal detector at the gate. At the time this mail arrived, work was going on in the court. Therefore, it was a big task for ATS and Patna Police to ensure that there is no atmosphere of chaos. Because of this no one was asked to go out suddenly. Rather, the investigation process was gradually completed at all places.

searched every nook and corner for four hours

Despite a search of about four hours, nothing was found. Due to which this threat is being considered fake. As a precautionary measure, movement of vehicles was also banned in front of the main gate of Patna High Court and the surrounding areas were also thoroughly checked.

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