
Patna Crime: Accused who murdered two innocent people arrested

Patna Crime: Revealing the case of murder of two children in Gosai Math of Gopalpur police station area of ​​Patna, the police has arrested the main accused. To maintain his illicit relationship, the accused had killed both the children with a sharp weapon. In this regard, SP Eastern India Soni gave information in a press conference on Sunday.

murder by cutting with a sharp weapon

SP Eastern India Soni said that the main accused in this murder, Ganesh Kumar, has been arrested. Ganesh had killed 12-year-old Kunal Kumar and three-year-old Rishabh Kumar by cutting them with a sharp weapon called Fasuli (a tool used for field work).

The accused had illicit relations with the child’s mother

During interrogation, Ganesh told that he had an illicit relationship with Rishav’s mother. Rishav was also born during this period. Ganesh was constantly pressurizing Rishav’s mother to live together.

First murder of Rishabh then Kunal

During interrogation, Ganesh told that he only wanted to kill Rishav, for which he had taken him to the field. Where Rishav’s brother Kunal saw Ganesh committing murder. In the process he murdered both of them. The accused Ganesh Kumar is a resident of Balwa under Dhanrua police station. From where he has been arrested.

Weapon not recovered yet

The accused Ganesh Kumar had used Fasuli (sharp weapon) in the murder of both the children, which the police has not been able to recover yet. Two mobile phones and the CNG auto and e-rickshaw used in the incident have been recovered from the accused. SP told that Ganesh first killed Rishabh and then killed Kunal. Accused Ganesh Kumar used to work as a mason.

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