
Passenger dies due to lack of treatment at Ranchi railway station, it took the doctor 1 hour to cover the distance of 50 meters

A passenger died at Ranchi railway station on Sunday due to lack of timely medical treatment. The deceased has been identified as Indradev Singh (51, resident-Phulwari Sharif, Patna). He was waiting for the Alleppey train at platform number 2 of Ranchi railway station to go to Rourkela with his wife Rekha Devi. It is said that Indradev Singh, standing on the platform, suddenly felt dizzy at 3:30 pm and fell down.

His wife called out to the RPF jawan and others for help. RPF jawans ran there and reached there. The soldiers pumped his chest and immediately informed the railway doctors. RPF soldiers started waiting for the doctor to arrive. At that time there was neither a stretcher at the station nor any ambulance to take the passenger to the nearest hospital. An announcement was made and the auto rickshaw present at the station was called. Meanwhile, Dr. Sanjeev Kumar reached the station at 4:30 pm and after seeing the passenger, declared him dead.

It took the doctor an hour:

Passenger Indradev Singh’s health deteriorated at 3:00 pm at Ranchi station. At the same time, it took an hour for the doctor who lived just 50 meters away from the station to reach the station. He reached the station at 4:30 pm.

There is no ambulance facility at the station:

Earlier, ambulance facility was restored at Ranchi Railway Station. Railway management and MP had inaugurated it with full fanfare, but now passengers are not getting this facility.

The doctor said he reached within five minutes, the eyewitness said after an hour:

Doctor Dr. Sanjeev Kumar said that he reached the spot five minutes after receiving the information. Whereas, eyewitnesses said that the doctor reached there after an hour. By then the passenger had died.

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