
Parliament Terrorist Attack: 22 years ago terrorists attacked the Indian Parliament, know the story of that day

22 years ago today Indian terrorist attack on parliament happened. Five terrorists of Jaish-e-Mohammed had made a nefarious attempt to enter the biggest temple of democracy, but the brave soldiers risked their lives and killed the enemies of the country.

200 MPs were present in the Parliament House at the time of the attack.

13 December 2001, it was 11:30 in the morning. Like a normal day, work was going on in the Parliament House. Winter session was going on. The proceedings of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha were adjourned for some time due to the uproar. For this reason, some MPs had left the Parliament House, but about 200 MPs including Lal Krishna Advani were still inside the Parliament House at that time. Security personnel were also present in the Parliament House. Suddenly a white Ambassador car enters the Parliament House. The vehicle also had a sticker of the ministry. But the speed of that vehicle was more than the speed limit in Parliament House. For this reason, security personnel Jagdish Yadav runs after the vehicle to stop it. Seeing Jagdish Yadav running behind the car, Vice President Krishnakant Sharma’s security personnel ASI Jeet Ram, ASI Nanak Chand and ASI Shyam Singh take their positions and try to stop the car. Seeing the security personnel coming towards him, the driver of the vehicle turns towards the same gate number. But during that time, due to losing control, the car collides with the Vice President’s car. Before the security personnel could understand, five terrorists got down from the Ambassador and started firing bullets. Everyone had AK-47 in their hands. His back was filled with shells and gunpowder.

Terrorists targeted security personnel trying to stop the vehicle

The five terrorists who had entered the Parliament House, first targeted the security personnel who were chasing the vehicle. Within a moment the situation became clear that a terrorist attack had taken place on the country’s largest temple of democracy. Terrorists fired bullets into the Parliament House for 45 minutes. Terrorists were continuously trying to enter inside the Parliament House. Meanwhile, security personnel, Delhi Police and CRPF personnel also took charge. A shower of bullets started from both sides. The terrorists were constantly changing their position. Security personnel closed all the doors leading inside the Parliament House and took positions at all the gates.

Soldiers risked their lives and killed the terrorists

The security personnel risked their lives and killed all five terrorists. In this attack, 9 soldiers were martyred and 16 soldiers were injured. The martyred soldiers included Jagdish Prasad Yadav, Matabar Singh Negi, Nanak Chand, Rampal, Omprakash, Bijendra Singh, Ghanshyam, a woman constable of Central Reserve Police Force Kamlesh Kumari and Deshraj, a CPWD employee.

Afzal Guru, who planned the attack, was arrested two days after the attack.

Conspirator Afzal Guru was arrested two days after the attack on Parliament House. Who was hanged after 12 years. Afzal was hanged on 9 February 2013.

How is the security of the current Parliament House?

In view of the terrorist attack on the Parliament House, special attention has been paid to security in the new Parliament House. Many modern technologies have been used for security. Thermal imaging system has been installed in the new Parliament building. Through this, illegal infiltration into the Parliament House can be easily detected. Apart from this, state-of-the-art CCTV cameras have been installed in the Parliament House. In which face recognition system is installed. Apart from this, the security personnel deployed to protect the Parliament House have been equipped with modern weapons and equipment. Complete security arrangements have been made to protect against cyber attacks.

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