
Parliament security lapse case: Police interrogated accused Sagar’s father overnight, intelligence agency found diary

Police interrogated Roshanlal, father of Lucknow resident Sagar Sharma, who was among the accused who breached the Parliament security and jumped into the House during the proceedings, and released him on Thursday morning. Now he closed his house in Lucknow and went to his relative’s place. The police have seized a diary and educational certificates of Sagar from the house. According to his father, Sagar had been writing something in this diary ever since he passed the senior secondary examination in 2015. Sagar has mentioned in his diary about his meeting with his friend in Bengaluru in January 2021. On the other hand, Sagar’s mother, who has now maintained silence on the matter, has gone to her parents’ house with her daughter. His house is also in this building. Policemen remained deployed outside it. In fact, during the proceedings in Parliament on Wednesday, two people jumped into the House from the visitor’s gallery and released color spray. One of these people caught was identified as e-rickshaw driver Sagar Sharma, resident of Ramnagar, Alambagh. His father Roshanlal is a carpenter. There is mother Rani and sister Mahi in the family. Based on the input received from Delhi Police, the police raided his house shortly after the incident.

One team was interrogating his mother, sister, maternal grandparents and maternal uncle, while the other took Roshanlal to the police station. According to the information, the police took information from Roshanlal about his son during the whole night’s interrogation. He confirmed that Sagar had left home on December 11. Then he had talked about joining the protest in Delhi. He could not tell whether Sagar is associated with any organization or not? Have you ever been to a protest before or not? Did you work as an activist? In response to such questions, Roshanlal cited lack of information. During interrogation with the police, Roshanlal said that whenever he watched news or listened to the speech of any ruling leader, Sagar used to switch off the TV. He used to say that it is better that the TV remains switched off rather than watching all this, because the government does nothing. According to his father, Sagar was very angry against the government. This anger is also visible in his social media posts. The father himself said that he used to explain to him. However, it was not known that he would do such a thing.

recovered diary

Used to be angry about unemployment – ​​father

The police tried to find out from Roshanlal whether he ever found Sagar’s activities suspicious? He refused on this. He said that he lived a very normal life. Never had any dispute with anyone. Always thought about job etc. Was angry about unemployment. Sagar’s family is in panic after the incident. They were talking on Wednesday, but remained silent from Thursday. The matter is being discussed in the locality. The investigating agencies are investigating the call details of the mobile numbers of Sagar and people associated with him.

Sagar had gone to Mysore, no trace of association with any organization

Central intelligence agencies contacted UP Police to investigate about Sagar Sharma. After this, last night the ATS team went to his residence in Alambagh and collected a lot of information. It is being shared with central agencies. According to senior police officers, the investigation so far has revealed that apart from Bangalore, Sagar had also gone to Mysore. At present, there is no evidence of his being associated with any organization. Apart from the family, ATS and Lucknow Police officials are also collecting information about his close relatives and friends. Officials of Lucknow office of IB are also keeping an eye on the matter. A senior official of the DGP headquarters said that if needed, a team can be sent to Delhi to interrogate Sagar.

Sagar was active on social media

After the incident, when Sagar’s Facebook profile was searched, it was found that he had two accounts. Sagar’s family has denied the knowledge of him having any friend named Lalit, but there is evidence of it on Facebook. In the post posted by Sagar, Lalit has been tagged. He had also shared posts in support of the farmers’ movement. From the facts revealed so far, it is suspected that Sagar came in contact with other gang members through social media. Meetings continued at places like Bangalore, Gurugram etc. Everyone was connected on the Singnal app.

According to sources, a group was also created in this app, in which conspiracy related conversations were held. However, Delhi Police will reveal this once the investigation is completed. Sagar had posted a story on Instagram at around 6 in the morning, a day before committing the crime in Parliament House. It was written in it that whether we win or lose, efforts are necessary. Now it remains to be seen how beautiful the journey will be. Hope to see you again. Along with this, the story of a song was also included. Its lyrics are: Even if I die, there is no sorrow of dying, just look at my courage, you don’t have the strength to scare me, listen to my decision.

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