
Parliament Security Breach: What is the connection of all the six accused, read what the family members said…

Parliament Security Breach: The day of 13th December and Parliament House has an old association. Attack of terrorists on Parliament House in 2001 and now lapse in security of the House in 2023. On Wednesday morning, when most of the MPs including Prime Minister Narendra Modi were present at the tribute meeting, they might not have thought that there would be a lapse in the security of the same building in the afternoon. Within half an hour, two people each demonstrated outside and inside the House, raised slogans and released harmless colored gas. Two people from the audience gallery rushed towards the MPs and created an atmosphere of fear for 15 to 20 seconds. But, what is the similarity between those four, what was their motive, all these points are being investigated by the police. According to the information currently received in this investigation, not four but six people are involved in this conspiracy, four accused have been arrested while the search for one is going on. The other one is being identified. Meanwhile, all the six accused are said to be from different states, so the investigation into all these aspects of how they met and carried out the conspiracy is going on. Amidst all this, let us know who these five accused are and their history.

Who are the six accused?

The first accused of security lapse by jumping into the House is the son of a carpenter who also drives an e-rickshaw, the son of a daily wage labourer, an engineering graduate who returned to his village to pursue farming, a girl whose father is a confectioner, who is among several Has been searching for a government job for years. The search continues for a teacher from one profession and another. These six accused are said to be from different states of the country. Their habitat is in four different states – Lucknow in Uttar Pradesh, Latur in Maharashtra, Mysore in Karnataka and Jind in Haryana. Two accused were aged between 20 to 30 years and two accused were aged between 34 and 37 years. No one’s family members know that they are in Delhi and what they are doing. There was a breach in security on the day the country completed 22 years of the attack on Parliament House. Now the question is why did the accused choose this day? How carefully was it planned? The most important question is what connects these four?

1. Sagar Sharma

2. Manoranjan Devaraj Gowda

3. Neelam Singh

4. Amol Dhanraj Shinde

5. Lalit Jha

1. Sagar Sharma

The name of the person whose jumping inside the house has surfaced is said to be Sagar Sharma. Sagar is only 27 years old and his family is in shock after getting information about this incident. His family lives in Ramnagar area of ​​Alambagh, Lucknow. A two-room rented house, green walls in his rooms, an iron box, a bookshelf and a bed with two blankets, this was his home situation. That family, living a life of poverty, might never have thought that their son would do this. Sagar’s father is a carpenter by profession and Sagar studied at Bhupathi Memorial Inter-College in Alambagh till class 12, but he left studies due to financial crisis. Drives e-rickshaw for livelihood. Two days ago he had told his mother that he was going to a protest. Mother told that as soon as I came to know about it, I became worried and also forbade her from taking part in demonstrations etc. Also, one of his friends said that he was very active in political movements and I used to see him in protests in the city.

2. Manoranjan Devaraj Gowda

When the farming father in Mysore, Karnataka came to know that his son had breached the security of the Lok Sabha, he could not believe it at first. Manoranjan D’s father, Devaraj Gowda, insisted that their leader is a good boy who has read Vivekananda and wants to do something good for the society. Neither his father nor the villagers are able to understand how Manoranjan, who has completed his engineering degree from Bangalore College, became a part of this conspiracy. His father also told that he used to help me in the fields and often traveled to Delhi and Bangalore for his work. The father said that this time also he said that he was going to Bangalore for some work. Manoranjan D’s father said that whatever he did was condemnable. If he has committed a mistake, he should be held accountable and punished. Let us tell you that Manoranjan had taken the pass from MP Pratap Simha and went inside with Sagar.

3. Neelam Singh

The family in Ghaso Khurd village in Jind, Haryana, was not even aware that 700 km away, their daughter had protested in the Parliament House complex and had been arrested in a security lapse case. Her father had high expectations from 37 year old Neelam. Her father, who is a confectioner, and her two brothers, who do delivery work, always wanted their daughter to do a government job. But, she usually remained disappointed after failure. Neelam was also seen in the performance of wrestling players and also took active part in the farmers’ movement. Her mother, Saraswati Devi, said that her inability to find a job had left her depressed and that her daughter once told her, “It would be better to die”. Information was also received that she also ran a library in the village. Her family sent her to a paying guest accommodation in Hisar six months ago and asked her to concentrate on the Haryana Civil Services entrance examinations.

4. Amol Dhanraj Shinde

Amol Dhanraj Shinde, who was caught while protesting with Neelam Devi outside the Parliament in Jari village of Latur, had studied only till 12th class and was preparing for army and police recruitment examinations. He once passed the physical examination for state police services, but failed in the written examination. He had told his father, daily wage laborer Dhanraj Shinde, that he would travel to Delhi intermittently for these exams and had visited the capital three times in the last few months.

Fifth accused out of custody, search for sixth continues

The Instagram account of the fifth accused Lalit Jha shows that he is a teacher by profession. But, till now he is said to be out of the custody of the police. The sixth accused is also being identified. The police is investigating keeping all aspects in mind. In such a situation, what was his motive behind doing this? However, he will be presented in Delhi court today.

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