
Parents should do these things to free their children from junk food addiction

Junk Food Addiction: Nowadays, the addiction of eating fast food or junk food has increased a lot among children, but junk food is not good for the health of children. This has a very bad effect on the child’s body. Because, fast food or junk food contains a lot of fat, sugar and salt. Whereas, other nutrients like protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals are relatively less. Consumption of junk food can cause serious health problems like obesity, constipation, lack of sleep and diabetes. Today, parents are very worried about the increasing addiction of junk food among children, due to which it has become challenging for them to ensure that children eat a balanced diet. However, by adopting some selected methods, children can get rid of the addiction of junk food.

Plan daily lunch box menu for child

Plan in advance to ensure that children get a balanced diet. For example, prepare a list of what daily lunch box menu to give to the child on Sunday, so that the necessary ingredients and groceries are ready for the whole week. If you are thinking of cooking food without any preparation, then you will never be able to cook tasty and healthy food in a hurry. This is also not good for the health of children.

Make food attractive to children

It takes a lot of effort to make food attractive and tasty for children. For this you can adopt an easy method. For example, give stuffed vegetable parathas to encourage eating vegetables. To meet your protein needs for breakfast, try healthy food like gram flour cheela or lentil dosa. Encourage children who like rice to try new things. Also try to make rotis in fancy shapes.

Take care of variety in food

If the same type of food is given every day, then like adults, children too may develop loss of appetite. Include different fruits, vegetables, legumes and pulses in their diet. For example, if you eat idli daily for breakfast, then you can make ragi idli. Also, add vegetable puree to the batter to change its color. Have mini idlis occasionally or consider adding other breakfast options.

Also Read: Girl students should reduce the intake of junk food, take green vegetables in abundance.

Even elders at home should adopt healthy eating habits

Children often observe and copy the habits of their parents. Especially, in your early age. It is important for parents to set the right example by adopting healthy eating habits themselves. If children see parents watching TV and eating popcorn or chips, children also adopt these habits.

make children aware

Tell children about the benefits of a balanced diet and the harmful effects of unhealthy snacks, so that they understand what is better for them.

Involve children in the cooking process

While cooking at home, involve children also in this process. This not only creates a sense of responsibility in them, but also makes them enthusiastic about healthy food.

Set limits on eating junk food

Instead of strictly and completely banning junk food, set limits that children can easily follow. If your child performs well in any school program or competition, avoid giving him junk food as a reward.

Promote healthy snack options

Make children aware of healthy but also tasty alternatives to junk food. Prepare children’s favorite snacks at home. If you wish, you can use spices and dips for additional flavor.

Do not keep junk food or snacks in the house

Often when junk food or snacks are available at home, children get attracted towards the same thing again and again. In such a situation, parents should avoid keeping junk food and snacks easily available at home. To reduce temptation, keep healthy snacks in your home instead.

Encourage healthy snacks

Encourage children to eat fruits, puffed rice and sprouts instead of chips, biscuits and fruit juices. It is also beneficial for their health.

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