
Pappu Yadav came down from the stage after throwing the mic in Madhepura, clash with Lalu’s supporters over the job share of Yadavs.

Madhepura. There was a lot of uproar during the centenary celebration program of All India Yadav Mahasabha organized on Monday at BN Mandal Stadium in Madhepura. Many leaders including RJD leader Shyam Rajak, ‘JAP’ chief Pappu Yadav had attended this program. During the program, chanting supremo Pappu Yadav raised questions on the fact that despite Yadav population being 14 percent, only 1.6 percent Yadavs are in jobs and said that those who have been Chief Ministers in the past and those who are currently in power should answer this. Pappu Yadav had a clash with Lalu’s supporters regarding this matter. And there was so much uproar in the program that Pappu Yadav left the stage in anger.

Sloganeering did not stop even after repeated requests

On this statement of Pappu Yadav, a young man in front of the stage raised the slogan of Lalu Yadav Zindabad. Some people present there started interrupting. Although Pappu Yadav first tried to calm the young man down, but as soon as Pappu Yadav started speaking, the young man started shouting slogans. When he did not calm down even after repeated requests, Pappu Yadav kept the mike and left the stage. The organizers of the program went to great lengths to convince Pappu Yadav, but Pappu did not stop.

Local leaders also got into conflict with each other

In this program organized in Madhepura to unite the Yadavs, the Yadavs went to talk among themselves about seeing each other. Started pushing and even beating. Actually, as soon as Pappu Yadav came down from the stage, Pappu Yadav’s supporters became furious. Pappu Yadav’s supporters caught the youth shouting slogans and beat him severely. There was tension among local leaders also. Statements towards each other were also heard from local leaders on the stage. Many times it came to the point of taking the mike by hand. There was chaos throughout the venue for a long time. After a long uproar, the matter somehow calmed down.

People beat up the person who raised slogans

During Pappu Yadav’s departure, the organizers also came forward to console him, but Pappu Yadav’s anger did not subside and he left the program. As soon as Pappu Yadav came down from the stage, his supporters became furious. His supporters surrounded the person who raised slogans and beat him severely. It is said that when Pappu Yadav was addressing the people on the stage, the youth who raised slogans is a supporter of Raghuvansh Yadav, former RJD MLA from Pipra Assembly of Supaul. Somehow, by intervening, the young man was saved from Pappu Yadav’s supporters. At the same time, this entire incident is being discussed a lot in the entire area.

More than half the chairs remained empty

Preparations for the centenary celebrations of Yadav Mahasabha at BN Mandal Stadium in Madhepura were being done for a long time. The organizing committee was expecting around one lakh people to attend the programme, but more than half of the chairs in the pandal remained vacant. At the same time, people said that there was an atmosphere of chaos and confusion in the program.

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