
Palamu: Herd of elephants damaged paddy, demand for compensation

A herd of elephants trampled the crops in the fields in Tata village of Chandwa block, located on the border of Kudu and Chandwa blocks. There has been huge damage to the paddy crop growing in the fields. It is said that a herd of about twenty elephants reached Tata village adjacent to Chandalaso Panchayat of Kudu police station and started trampling the paddy crops growing in the fields. The paddy crop grown in about three acres of Basu Bhagat adjacent to the forest was completely destroyed. There has been a loss of about Rs 2 lakh due to trampling of paddy crop. The herd of elephants destroyed the paddy crop, vegetable crops and wheat grown in the fields of Basu Bhagat. In Tata village, a herd of elephants created havoc and completely destroyed the ready paddy crop in the fields of Maluva Pahan, Junas Lakra and other farmers of the village. Due to this, farmers have suffered huge losses. Farmers told that the herd of elephants had reached Tata village at around eight in the night. After this, they started trampling the crops growing in the fields. Due to fear of elephants, farmers remained hiding in their homes throughout the night. Farmer Basu Bhagat told that the family was able to earn their livelihood throughout the year from the paddy crop grown in three acres. The farmers have informed the Forest Department about this and demanded compensation.

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