
Pak’s nefarious act: Kashmiri melody again in UN, then India put a strong broom


United Nations / New Delhi : Pakistan is not desisting from its nefarious antics. Once again he raised the issue of Kashmir in the United Nations (UN). After that, India gave him a strong broom right there. Media reports said that India criticized its neighboring country after Pakistan’s envoy raised the Kashmir issue in the United Nations. India said that no amount of rhetoric or propaganda can change the fact that the Union Territories of Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh are and will remain an ‘integral’ part of the country.

Kashmir and Ladakh were, are and will remain an integral part: India

Pakistan’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations Munir Akram raised the issue of Jammu and Kashmir in the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) meeting. Following this, Prateek Mathur, advisor in India’s Permanent Mission to the United Nations, remarked that no amount of rhetoric or propaganda can change the fact that the Union Territories of Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh are and will remain an ‘integral’ part of the country.

Pakistan’s propaganda will not change the facts

Prateek Mathur said in the General Assembly meeting held on Wednesday on ‘use of veto’ that Jammu-Kashmir and Ladakh Union Territories are integral and inseparable parts of India. Misinformation, rhetoric or propaganda by any country cannot change this fact. Pakistan has been continuously raising the issue of Jammu and Kashmir in various meetings of the United Nations. Whatever may be the agenda of that meeting or whatever may be the topic of discussion. India has consistently emphasized that Jammu-Kashmir and Ladakh are an integral and inseparable part of India.

Pakistan raised the issue on Monday as well

Earlier on Monday, India’s Permanent Ambassador to the United Nations Ruchira Kamboj had said in the Security Council meeting after Pakistan raised the issue of Jammu and Kashmir that she would not waste the Council’s time by replying to such ‘useless’ comments. Kamboj gave a strong reply to Pakistan’s comments during a discussion at the UN Security Council on ‘Maintaining International Peace and Security: Effective Multilateralism while Upholding the Principles of the Charter of the United Nations’.

Russia presiding over the Security Council

Russia is presiding over the Security Council this month. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov was presiding over the debate on Monday, when Munir Akram mentioned Jammu and Kashmir in his statement. To this Kamboj said that in the end, this respected forum today heard some worthless remarks by a Permanent Representative which were made purely out of ignorance and lack of understanding on the basic facts of colonization. He said that I will not waste the time of this council by replying to those comments.


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