
Padmini Ekadashi 2023: Padmini Ekadashi of more months is very special, know the fasting story and importance

Padmini Ekadashi 2023: According to the stories mentioned in mythological texts, it is a matter of Treta Yuga. First of all, Lord Krishna narrated the story of Padmini Ekadashi to Arjuna. According to the story, in Treta Yuga, there was a people lover King Kritavirya, who was childless. The king had many queens. But, he was not getting the son Ratna. The king got many yajnas, havans, worship lessons and rituals done for the son Ratna. But the king’s desire to have a child was not fulfilled. When all the efforts to get a child failed, the king took a vow to do penance. He handed over the charge of his state to his capable ministers. Mata Anusuiya suggested Rani Padmini to observe a fast. After this, King Kritavirya went to perform penance on Gandhamadan mountain with his favorite queen Padmini. Even after severe penance, King Krit Virya could not get a son. One day Queen Padmini met Mata Anusuiya on Gandhamadan mountain. Rani Padmini told her pain to Mata Anusuiya,

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