
Paddy crop is ready in Gumla, but there is no preparation for protection and dealing with wild elephants.

Durjay Paswan, Gumla:

Paddy crop is ready in Gumla district. Harvesting has also started. Paddy is being cut and dried at many places. With the paddy crop ready and harvested, understand that the season of elephants entering Gumla has started. Herds of elephants enter Gumla from Chhattisgarh state and Betla forest. A large herd of elephants creates havoc. It even kills people. But, there seems to be no preparation for protection and dealing with these elephants. Till now, torches, bombs, firecrackers and torches have not been distributed in the elephant affected villages, so that the elephants can be driven away if they enter the village.

Because, the way elephants create havoc in Gumla. There is huge loss every year. Elephants destroy hundreds of houses and eat the grains kept in the houses. They also trample the crops. In such a situation, the administration should plan to avoid these elephants. In this way, elephants have started entering the area of ​​Jari block. After the release, the elephants will roam in many areas including Dumri, Chainpur, Gumla and create havoc. Elephants enter Gumla from Betla forest via Bishunpur and Dumri. Some elephants also enter Basia, Kamdara and Palkot from Odisha via Simdega.

Elephants enter Gumla more than Betla:

Due to Gumla district being adjacent to Chhattisgarh state, many elephants enter the areas of Dumri, Chainpur, Albert Ekka Jari block and Raidih. There is Betla forest near Bishunpur block, from where more elephants enter. There are also elephants in Palkot Wildlife Sanctuary, which after wandering from the forest, enter the village and create havoc. Gumla district is surrounded by forests and mountains on all sides. This is a suitable place for elephants to live.

Villages affected by elephants:

Karanj, Tetarbira, Maladon, Karondajor, Dudiya, Londa of Bharno block, Sisikarmatoli, Bhikhampur, Srinagar of Jari block, Jairagi of Dumri block, Pibo, Sursang, Kondra, Kemte, Tudurma, Bansdih, Parsa, Uparkhatanga, Bishunpur block of Raidih block. Elephants in Gurdari, Kujampat, Banari, Ghaghra, Sisai towns, Chati Dand Toli, Moreng of Basia, Ninai, most of the villages of Ghaghra block, Salami, Birwani, Palkot block, Pokla village of Kamdara, Murkunda, eastern area of ​​Gumla, Vrinda. There is more violence. All these villages are adjacent to forests and mountains.

They target houses keeping paddy and country liquor:

Elephants often damage houses after wandering from the forest. The houses where Hadiya and country liquor are made. They also target houses where paddy is stored. Elephants have great sense of smell. Houses which smell of bones, liquor and paddy. Elephants destroy those houses and eat the grains. During this time, whoever comes in front, they kill them.

How to stay safe from elephants:

According to the Forest Department, when a wild elephant enters the village, one should try to drive away the elephant by lighting a torch. Elephants also run away from firecrackers. It is important to be careful while driving away an elephant, otherwise a major incident can happen.

After elephants enter the villages from the forest, it is necessary to protect them. Forest Department Gumla should pay attention to this. When elephants enter the village, efforts should be made to take the elephants safely to the forest and their hideouts. Special attention needs to be paid to elephant affected villages. Also, if there is any loss, arrange for compensation immediately.

Bhushan Tirkey (MLA)

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