
On the day of Ramlala’s consecration, there will be continuous kirtan for 12 hours in Mahavir temple, 10 thousand kilos of Naivedyam is being prepared.

Shri Ram Janmabhoomi Ayodhya On the occasion of the consecration of Ramlala’s life in the supernatural new temple of Lord Shri Ram, a celebration will be held at the Mahavir Temple in Patna. On this day the entire Mahavir temple will be decorated with flowers. from nine in the morning Mahavir Temple Akhand Kirtan will be organized in front of the statue of Sita-Ram located at the southern corner. There will be Ramjanam event of Ramcharitmanas and other Ramdhun kirtans till 9 pm. Mahavir Mandir Trust Secretary Acharya Kishore Kunal said that the festival will be organized on completion of the resolution taken years ago to establish Ramlala in the grand temple at Ram Janmabhoomi in Ayodhya.

1100 lamps will be lit

On the afternoon of January 22, to commemorate the consecration of Ram Lala in the new temple at Ram Janmabhoomi in Ayodhya, Halwa Prasad prepared in pure desi ghee will be distributed among the devotees at Mahavir Temple in Patna from 2 pm. The consecration ceremony to be held in Ayodhya will be telecast live on the LED screens installed in the Mahavir temple complex. 1100 lamps will be lit in the Mahavir Temple courtyard at 6 pm.

10 thousand kg Naivedyam will be ready

Acharya Kishore Kunal told that when Maryada Purushottam Shri Ram returned to Ayodhya after the victory of Lanka, the people of Ayodhya celebrated by lighting lamps in the entire city. The consecration of the idol of Ramlala in the new temple at Ramjanmabhoomi on 22 January is an occasion of such joy. On this occasion, this ceremony will be celebrated with full enthusiasm in Mahavir Temple. Necessary security arrangements are being made in view of the possible crowd of devotees in Mahavir Temple on that day. 10 thousand kg Naivedyam is being prepared on this occasion.

Mahavir temple has a special relationship with Ramlala.

The famous Mahavir temple with two statues of Ram devotee Hanuman has a deep connection with the Ramjanmabhoomi of Ayodhya. In the years-long legal battle for Ayodhya Ramjanmabhoomi, Mahavir Mandir Trust Secretary Acharya Kishore Kunal had presented historical evidence. He played an important role in legal battles from Allahabad High Court to Supreme Court.

Acharya Kishore Kunal’s books were presented as evidence

Acharya Kishore Kunal has written two historical books on the history of Ayodhya named ‘Ayodhya Revisited’ and ‘Ayodhya Beyond Adduced Evidence’ of 1600 pages. These books were presented as documents and evidence in the Allahabad High Court and the Supreme Court.

The map of Ramlala’s birthplace was given to the Supreme Court

During the decisive debate in the Supreme Court, Acharya Kishore Kunal made and made available a map, which proved that the birthplace of Ram Lalla was in the middle of the disputed structure. This map proved to be a decisive link in the Supreme Court’s decision in favor of Ram Janmabhoomi.

Two important announcements to Acharya Kishore Kunal

  • When the Supreme Court gave its verdict in favor of Ram Janmabhoomi on 9 November 2019, immediately after that, Mahavir Mandir Trust Secretary Acharya Kishore Kunal made two important announcements.

  • The first announcement was that Rs 10 crore would be contributed by Mahavir Temple for the construction of Ram Temple. The second announcement was that Ram Rasoi will be operated free of cost for the visitors of Ram Lalla.

Ram Rasoi

On December 1, 2019, from the day of Vivah Panchami, Ram Rasoi was started by Mahavir Temple in the Amava Ram Temple complex adjacent to Ram Janmabhoomi. Where on an average 4 thousand Ram devotees eat 9 types of pure vegetarian dishes every day. From January 20, this Ram Rasoi will also operate in the evening, when an average of 10 thousand devotees from India and abroad are expected to get free food here every day.

Donation of Rs 10 crore

The first installment of Rs 2 crore was given by Mahavir Mandir for the construction of Ram temple at Ram Janmabhoomi on 5 March 2020, on the day of opening of account of Ram Janmabhoomi Teerth Kshetra Trust. Apart from this, Rs 2 crore was given every year. The last installment of Rs 2 crore will be given on January 19. Mahavir Mandir Trust Secretary Acharya Kishore Kunal will be present as a special invited guest at the consecration ceremony of Ram Lalla in Ayodhya.

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