
On pressing the panic button in public vehicles of Patna, an alarm will sound in the control room, a solution will be given as soon as the complaint is received.

Patna. Under the Nirbhaya framework, as soon as the vehicle location tracking device and emergency button is pressed in the public transport vehicles, an alarm will start ringing in the control room and the police will come into action immediately. Till now the panic button has started working in more than two thousand commercial vehicles. To monitor this, a command and control center has also been started at the headquarters of the Transport Department. Live tracking of the location of public transport is being done from here. Now the department has issued SOP regarding this. After this, the complaints will be completely settled as soon as they are received. From time to time, the District Transport Officer will check the device by himself and if the vehicle in which it is installed is not working properly or stops, then the license of that vehicle can be canceled in random checking.

The alarm will ring in the command center as soon as the button is pressed.

If women or girls traveling by bus, cab or taxi sense any kind of danger, as soon as they press the emergency button, an alarm will sound in the control command center and the police will immediately reach for help.

Command and Control Center will receive emergency alert

Emergency alerts, over speeding and equipment tampering or breaking alerts can be received through the vehicle location tracking device. With the help of this, real time information about the location of the vehicle will be received. Every movement of the vehicle can be seen on the map through geofencing and software. At the same time, vehicle owners will also be able to know the status of their vehicles through the software.

Will help in preventing over speeding

Through this software, there will be a lot of help in the control of crime. Along with this, it will also help in preventing over speeding. If the bus will run at a speed higher than the prescribed speed, then it will be caught and action will be taken against all the bus drivers.

Monitoring will be done under road safety

It has been said in the SOP that an alert will also be sent to the concerned DTO and Road Safety in relation to speeding vehicles or any kind of complaint, so that action will be taken according to the road safety rule by analyzing the related data by Road Safety. Guidelines have been sent to all DTOs and MVIs in this regard.

women will be safe

For the safety of women and passengers in public transport vehicles, it has been made mandatory to install vehicle location tracking device and emergency button, so that live monitoring is done through the control center. This is a very important step for women’s safety.

Instruction to install in school bus also

The department has sent directions to all the districts that it should be installed in all the school buses, so that girls can complain about their own problems. At the same time, criminals can be caught with the help of a button if needed. This will make school girls more secure.

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