
Old Pension Scheme Ateva welcomed the restoration of old pension in the manifesto.

Lucknow: Teachers and employees have welcomed the inclusion of old pension scheme and ending privatization in the manifesto of Samajwadi Party. State President of All Teachers Employee Welfare Association (ATEWA) Vijay Kumar Bandhu said that by including the restoration of old pension in the manifesto, the sentiments of teachers, employees and officers have been respected. Because the issue of restoration of old pension has become a question of life and death for teachers and employees. The SP President has said that Agniveer Yojana, which is the beginning of privatization of the army, should also be closed and permanent recruitment should be done. If Agniveer Yojana is stopped then great justice will be done to the youth.

There was a big issue in the assembly elections also
Vijay Bandhu said that Ateva is continuously fighting for the restoration of the old pension scheme. In the last assembly elections in 2022, Samajwadi Party had promised to restore the old pension by holding a special press conference. After this it became the biggest political issue of the country. After this, pensions were restored in many states and there was a stir in the entire country regarding the issue of old pension. Now this is a big issue in the Lok Sabha elections (2024) also.

Get old pension with the power of vote
ATEWA General Secretary Dr. Neerajpati Tripathi said that now it is the turn of the voters to get their old pension back with the power of their vote. Leave aside caste, religion, language, region, sect and ideology and vote for the stick of your old age. Only then your issue will be resolved. Everyone should vote as much as possible and vote on issues. Dr. Neerajpati Tripathi said that there are approximately one crore teachers and employees of NPS across the country. If the five votes of a family of one crore people are added, then it is approximately 5 crore votes and each teacher employee will prepare at least five more votes. This number will go around 10 crores which has the potential to change any result.

Also Read: Samajwadi Party’s manifesto released, old pension, caste census replaced

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