
Old Pension News: Old pension will be the main issue in the elections of five states, call for vote for OPS, VIDEO

The issue of restoration of old pension is important in the upcoming elections of five states. This time in the elections, government employees are raising the slogan of Vote for OPS. On October 1, the employees and teachers had made their intentions known by holding a big rally in Delhi. Now elections have been announced in five states. Pension has been restored in two of these states, Chhattisgarh and Rajasthan. While the employees of three other states Mizoram, Telangana and Madhya Pradesh are waiting for it.

NMOPS National President Vijay Kumar Bandhu says that the governments of Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Rajasthan have restored the old pension scheme. Karnataka government is also working on this. The issue of old pension will be important not only in the assemblies of five states, but also in the 2024 Lok Sabha elections. Old pension will play a decisive role in the assembly elections to be held in five states. The issue of Vote for OPS will be prominent in this election. Because employees and their families will vote to save old pension in two states and to restore old pension in three states.

Vijay Kumar Bandhu said that lakhs of employees from all over the country had gathered in Delhi. This was the biggest spontaneous rally till date. Employees from North East, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Kashmir and South India participated in it. If the political parties are still not alert then the employees will answer them with their votes. Old pension is a stick for the old age of the employees.

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