
Oceans Of The World: Why are we still unaware of the oceans?

Oceans Of The World: Our universe is huge, which has no end. In comparison, the Earth looks like a mere dust particle. For centuries we have been trying to solve the mysteries of the universe. Today humans are capable of doing research on planets and stars located thousands of light years away and we keep getting information about the events happening there, but you will be surprised to know that till now we have not been able to know about our Earth.

Research in space more than oceans

America’s first mission to the Moon was in 1969, in which humans succeeded in stepping on the Moon outside the Earth for the first time. Till now a total of 12 people have stepped on the moon. Apart from this, many unmanned spacecraft are circling distant planets and collecting information about them. In comparison, only 6 people have gone into the depths of the oceans so far. The deepest place on Earth inside the ocean is the Mariana Trench, whose depth is 11034 meters. Till date no human being has been successful in reaching its foothills. Overall, we are still unaware of 95 percent of the oceans present on Earth.

How to know the depth of the sea

The entire seabed on Earth has been mapped, but we are not able to see deeper than 5 kilometers into the ocean. An instrument called sonar is used to measure the depth of the sea. Sonar sends sound waves into the ocean, which bounce back after colliding with objects inside. With this, the depth and height of the sea level can be easily determined. Even with the help of sonar, only 0.05 percent of the oceans on Earth could be measured. If we talk about the deepest part of the ocean i.e. Mariana Trench, then till now only six people have been able to go here. One of them is the famous Hollywood filmmaker James Cameron, who himself spent 10 million dollars to go on this mission. He was successful in reaching a depth of 10,898 meters.

Why is it difficult to go inside the sea

It is surprising that leaving the Earth and doing research on other planets and satellites in space is easier than doing research in the oceans on Earth. Many reasons account for this. The pressure continues to increase in the depths of the ocean. The pressure at sea level becomes equal to about 50 jumbo jets, which has the power to crush even the strongest things in a moment. Building a spaceship or probe may be expensive and difficult, but it is even more difficult to build a submarine that can withstand such tremendous pressure. Another reason is that it is possible to see all the objects in space because starlight is present there. Whereas sunlight rarely reaches the infinite depths of the oceans. It is almost impossible to see anything in the pitch darkness here. The temperature here also remains up to -4 degree Celsius. Apart from this, there is also the fear of unseen and unknown creatures.

Are there aliens in the oceans too?

The creatures living in the harsh conditions of the infinite ocean are also unique. Such creatures, seeing which you would consider them to be aliens. Now gradually oceanographers are succeeding in finding these creatures. There are many creatures whose eyes are unusually large due to being in constant darkness, while there are some creatures whose eyes are separately attached to the face by long muscles. Some creatures have nothing else on their faces except their mouth and huge jaws. They always keep wandering in search of prey. Here you will also find transparent creatures like sea cucumber and jellyfish, through which it is possible to see. Apart from this, there is also a possibility of giant creatures being present here.

What are underwater vehicles like?

There are two types of ships going underwater, human occupied and remote occupied vehicles. Apart from this, like drones, there are also unmanned remote occupied vehicles. It is sent to those places where it is not possible for scientists to go. They are connected to the main ship through a cable. Apart from this, there are also autonomous underwater vehicles, which are pre-programmed. These are not connected by cables and work independently underwater.

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