
Obesity is a danger bell for health, practice these yogas daily to reduce it.

Dr. Anjali Sharma Yoga Expert, Delhi:

Yoga practice also plays an important role in controlling obesity. If seen, fat in our body accumulates most in the stomach, hips and thighs. This can be reduced by regular practice of these asanas. These asanas should be done at least five times daily.

Circumscribed Trikonasana

Circumscribed Trikonasana

Stand straight. Open both the legs at a distance of about one to one and a half feet. Keep your waist straight. Raise both hands to the sides in line with the shoulders. Bend downwards while twisting slightly from the waist. Try to touch the opposite foot with your hand, that is, while bending your waist, try to touch the left foot with your right hand. Keep the other hand above shoulder level. Turn your neck towards the upper hand and look up. Similarly, do yoga with the other hand. In this, when you are twisting the waist, exhale slowly. Take a deep breath and bend down while exhaling. When bending, stop for 8-10 seconds and breathe normally.



Before doing this asana, do a little warm-up. Spread a mat on the ground and lie down straight. Slowly raise both legs at an angle of 90 degrees. Rotate both legs in the air 5-10 times like riding a bicycle. After this, keep your feet elevated. Slowly bend the knees of both legs. Hold the knees with both hands. While exhaling, pull towards the stomach. Slowly lift your head and touch your knees with your forehead, nose or chin. Stay in this position for a few seconds while breathing normally. While exhaling, first bring the head down to come to the first position. Release the knees and bring the legs straight up. Then slowly bring the legs back down with the support of the hands.



Lie down on your stomach. Keep the palms of both hands on the ground below the shoulders. Keep your legs straight and keep some distance in between. Apply pressure on the palms and take a deep breath and slowly lift the head, neck, shoulders and back. That is, stretch the body parts from shoulders to hips and lift them up like a snake. In this position look towards the sky. Wait for 8-10 seconds and keep breathing normally. Slowly exhale and come back to the previous position.

Take precautions before practicing yoga

Yoga For Belly Fat
  • Before practicing yoga, it is important to learn yoga asanas from a yoga trained person.

  • Keep in mind that do the asana 3-4 hours before or after eating food i.e. your stomach should be empty.

  • If you have back pain, waist, shoulder or knee pain or have had any kind of surgery, then definitely consult a Yogacharya before doing the asana.

Chakki Chalanasana

Chakki Chalanasana

Sit with your legs straight on the ground. Keeping the waist straight, spread both the legs as far apart as possible. Leaning forward, take your hands 90 degrees in front. Make a fist by tying the fingers of both the hands together. Starting from the middle, move both hands like a mill. Take your hands as far as you can reach your right foot. Then take the body as far back as you can. Then tilt the body as much as possible to the left and take it forward till the left foot. Then come in between. Repeat Chakki Chalanasana 5-5 times first from right to left, then from left to right. When bending forward, take a deep breath.

Conversation: Rajni Arora

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