
Nutrilite All Plant Protein Powder is the power bank of body energy, recharge daily

Energize your body with the power of powder

It is very important to know the importance of protein in our diet. Do you know that protein is found in every cell of the human body, it is in our hair, skin and all body parts and tissues. Its function is not just to help build and maintain muscles, as we often hear in gyms or fitness centers, but it does much more!

Some special facts related to protein, which are worth understanding closely

Proteins are large molecules made up of amino acids, which are the building blocks of life and are essential not only for the repair of cells and the formation of new cells, but also for the overall growth and development of people of all ages. are also important. Of the many types of amino acids available, there are nine essential amino acids, which our body cannot produce, and we get them from food sources and supplementation. Thus, it is very important that we not only get good amounts of Take protein, but also take proteins that contain high quality sources of protein, such as , which has a protein that has a PDCAAS=1.0, which is the highest in terms of digestibility. Considered a good score, and also provides all 9 essential amino acids.

The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), 2020 recommends that adults should get a minimum of 0.83 grams of protein for each kilogram of body weight per day, but on most occasions our diet does not meet this requirement and it mainly consists of protein. This happens due to lack of awareness about the importance of iron and the fact that our daily diet does not meet the recommended amounts. As well as the quantity, research today suggests that the source of protein also makes a big difference to our health. Given that there are 20 different amino acids and , no person can get all of these essential amino acids through diet. How to get high quality protein? And are they obtained from the right sources?

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