
‘Nuclear attack on Gaza Strip is an option…’ Israeli minister’s statement created an uproar, Netanyahu said this

The war between Israel and Hamas is now about to complete one month. Israel is continuously carrying out air strikes on the Gaza Strip. The Israeli Army has also intensified ground action. Israeli tanks, cannons and other armored munitions are ravaging the Gaza Strip. Meanwhile, the statement of an Israeli minister has created an uproar. A minister from the right-wing Otzama Yehudit party in the Israeli government gave a big statement today i.e. on Sunday. He said that dropping a nuclear bomb on the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip could be an option.

Nuclear attack on Gaza Strip an option – Israel Minister

In a radio interview, Jerusalem Affairs and Heritage Minister Amichai Eliyahu said that there is no one in Gaza who is not involved in the fighting. In such a situation, providing humanitarian aid to Patti would be a failure. When he was asked whether, in his view, a nuclear attack on the Gaza Strip is an option when all the fighters are in Gaza, he said that it is a way. However, both the ruling coalition and the opposition have become angry over this comment of the minister. The opposition also demanded his ouster from the government.

U-turn taken from the statement
After this outrage, Iliyahu retracted his statement and called it an exaggerated comment. He said it is clear to all sensible people that this comment about the atomic bomb is merely an exaggeration. We really need to show a forceful response to terrorism so that it becomes clear to the Nazis and their supporters that terrorism is insignificant. At the same time, after his statement, the Prime Minister has suspended Iliyahu from government meetings indefinitely. The Prime Minister’s Office gave this information.

Israel’s counter attack continues

It is noteworthy that on October 7, Hamas fighters suddenly intruded into Israeli territory, killed hundreds of people and took more than two hundred people hostage. After this, Israel started retaliating and is continuously destroying Hamas bases with fighter planes. Many Hamas commanders have been killed in Israeli attacks. At the same time, big buildings have been razed to the ground. More than 9000 people living in Gaza have been killed so far.

Courtesy: Language Input

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