
Now video of group of girls doing yoga in Taj Mahal despite ban goes viral, security agency engaged in investigation

Once again questions have been raised on the security agency at the world famous monument Taj Mahal in Agra. A video has surfaced of a group of girls doing yoga at the Royal Gate located before the main dome of the Taj Mahal. In this video, four girls are demonstrating various yoga postures. Besides, a girl present with him is also shooting its video. In this 36 second video, four girls are seen doing Surya Namaskar. Whereas security personnel and ASI employees are always deployed at the Royal Gate. But, in front of their eyes, at 8:00 am on Sunday morning, this group of girls demonstrated yoga, of which the security agencies did not even get a clue. However, after this video went viral on social media, security agencies and ASI came into action. This group of girls was taken into custody, after which they were handed over to the security agency.

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