
Now the life of third gender will change, I card is being made, they will get social and financial help.

Madhubani. Third gender will now be able to claim their identity legally. Now they will have an I-card i.e. identity card. Identity cards are being made to connect the third gender i.e. eunuchs with the mainstream of the society. The work of making identity cards has also started in the district. Till now, identity cards have been issued to two eunuchs. Identity cards will be given to three eunuchs soon.

Formation of Kinnar Welfare Board

The government believes that eunuchs can be uplifted by connecting them with the mainstream of society. Kinnar Welfare Board has also been formed for the welfare of eunuchs and to provide benefits of government schemes. With the formation of the board, the transgender community will get help in basic facilities like education, employment, ration card, housing etc.

This is how you will get the certificate

To get an identity card, eunuchs will have to apply online on the National Transgender Portal prepared by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment. An affidavit will also have to be given along with the Aadhar card. They will be able to claim that they are male and female in the affidavit. If a woman makes a claim, she will also have to provide a medical certificate. Then an identity card and a certificate will be given to the eunuchs from the level of the District Magistrate.

The aim is to awaken the feeling of respect in the society

This news is comforting for eunuchs who seek their happiness only in the happiness of others. In the field of education, there is also a plan to connect eunuchs with schools. So that a feeling of sensitivity and respect towards them is awakened in the society from a young age in the school. Full care will be taken of their respect and problem solving.

Government is busy in empowering eunuchs

The Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment is trying for the upliftment of eunuchs by giving them many rights. The government has implemented welfare schemes keeping in mind the various needs of the transgender community. This includes important aspects like education, housing, employment opportunities, skill development and protection of their rights.

Application will have to be made on National Transgender Portal

Eunuchs have to face a lot of struggle to become a part of the society and get recognized. Keeping their problems in mind, the initiative to provide I-card has been taken. With the creation of I-card, it will prove to be very helpful in availing the benefits of welfare schemes and other government schemes. About 20 third genders are said to be in the district.

Help desk has been created to solve problems

If any kind of problem arises for eunuchs, they will be able to get the problem resolved at the help desk set up in the District Child Protection Unit. Because along with protecting their rights, they will be provided benefits of various welfare schemes.

what do officials say

Assistant Director in-charge of District Child Protection Unit, Ashish Prakash Aman said that two eunuchs in the district have been given identity cards and certificates. Three more eunuchs will be given identity cards soon. For identity card, eunuchs will have to apply online on the National Transgender Portal.

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