
Notorious caught by the police in Bhagalpur, yet the police was forced to leave, know why…

In Bhagalpur, on the basis of secret information, a special team of Bhagalpur police detained and interrogated Bilaria, a notorious criminal of Navgachia. This information was also given to the senior police officers. Even though a reward of 50 thousand was declared on the notorious criminal who was caught earlier, the STF team had come five years ago to catch him. But even after being caught this time, he did not turn out to be wanted in any case. Neither did the police get any warrant against him, nor could they get information about his absconding in any case. After thorough verification, Bhagalpur police finally had to release him.

was living secretly at the house of a retired government employee

According to the information received, a senior officer of Bhagalpur police received information that Rajkishore Rai alias Bilaria alias Jhothana was seen roaming in the area with a carbine gun in Tank Lane, Bhikhanpur. He is hiding in the house of a retired government employee located in Tank Lane. In the light of this information, on the instructions of the police officer, a special team was formed to arrest the said criminal. DIU cell officials and CIAT jawans were included in the formed team. Bilaria was also caught from the same house. But the police did not find any weapon with him or from the house.

At present the police of Bilaria is not looking for

The special team also informed the senior police officer about the arrest. He was caught and brought to the police station. Where the police contacted the Navagachia police. From there the police got information that at present the police of Bilaria is not looking for them. Neither is there any warrant against him nor is he currently absconding in any case. After being caught on Wednesday night, till Thursday afternoon, the police team kept searching for cases against Bilaria in neighboring districts including Navgachia. But nothing was found. After this, the police released him on Thursday afternoon after getting the bond filled.

The informer had also contacted the Ishakchak police

According to the information received from the police sources, the Ishakchak police had first received the information about Navgachia’s infamous Bilaria hiding in Bhikhanpur. After hours no action was taken in the light of the said information, the informant informed the preferred police officer. Then there was a stir in the police department. More than 10 cases have been registered against Rajkishore Rai alias Bilaria in Navgachia police district under sections like kidnapping, murder, Arms Act and murderous assault. Five years ago, in August 2018, the STF team that came from Patna arrested him with the help of Navagachia police. At that time, a reward of 50 thousand rupees was declared on him by the police headquarters.

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