
NIA major action in Jammu and Kashmir: Raids on five bases of Pakistan-backed terrorist organizations

Srinagar : The National Investigation Agency (NIA) has taken major action in South Kashmir, including Srinagar, on the basis of information about the increasing activism of Pakistan-backed terrorist organizations in Jammu and Kashmir and the conspiracy of major terrorist attacks to disturb the peace and harmony in the valley. The Central Investigation Agency raided five places in three districts of South Kashmir, Anantnag, Shopian and Pulwama. During this action, the investigating agency has seized digital devices containing a large amount of objectionable data.

Raids on the residential hideouts of terrorists

Talking to the media, an NIA official said that the places raided in South Kashmir were the residential hideouts of hybrid terrorists and overground workers (OGWs) belonging to new branches and affiliates of several banned Kashmiri terrorist outfits. The premises of sympathizers and activists of these organizations were also raided. He told that the cadres and activists of all these terrorists are being investigated for activities related to terror, violence and sabotage in Jammu and Kashmir.

NIA will expose the terrorist plot

He said that the NIA suspects his involvement in the collection and distribution of sticky bombs, magnetic bombs, IEDs, funds, narcotics and arms, ammunition. The official said that they will be thoroughly investigated by the agency to uncover the details of the terror conspiracy. The NIA started the investigation on June 21, 2022 after registering the case on its own.

Pakistan-backed new terrorist organizations on the target of NIA

The Resistance Front (TRF), United Liberation Front Jammu and Kashmir (ULFJ&K), Mujahideen Ghazwat-ul-Hind (MGH), Jammu and Kashmir are among the new terrorist organizations that have sprung up in Kashmir in the investigation being done by the NIA, the official said. Freedom Fighters (JKFF), Kashmir Tigers, PAAF. These organizations include Pakistan-backed organizations like Lashkar-e-Taiba, Jaish-e-Mohammed, Hizb-ul-Mujahideen, Al-Badr, Al-Qaeda. He informed that the cadres and activists whose premises were raided are under NIA probe for their involvement in the collection and distribution of sticky bombs, magnetic bombs, IEDs, funds, narcotics and arms, ammunition.

Conspiracy of terror, violence and sabotage in Jammu and Kashmir

According to the NIA investigation, Pakistan-backed terrorist organizations are trying to spread activities related to terror, violence and sabotage in Jammu and Kashmir. Investigation revealed that Pakistan-based terrorist organizations were using social media platforms to promote terror in the Valley. Drones were being used by them to deliver arms, ammunition, explosives, narcotics etc. to their operatives and cadres in the Kashmir Valley.

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