
Newborn missing for three days was recovered in just four hours, Patna police caught the vicious couple of child lifter gang.

Patna. Police recovered a four-month-old newborn, who was missing from the tempo stand located at Mahavir Mandir in Kotwali police station area, in just four hours. Along with this, a vicious couple involved in the child lifting gang was also arrested. In this regard, DSP Law in Order Krishna Murari Prasad gave information in a press conference on Friday.

Newborn was lost on Tuesday

Told that it was Tuesday, 26th December, but the mother of the newborn was searching for the child for the last three days. Meanwhile, the mother of the newborn reached the Kotwali police station inquiringly. The woman told a policeman standing outside that a man ran away with her four-month old Ashish. The constable immediately gave this information to the police inside, after which an FIR was registered on the statement of the newborn’s mother Jyoti Kumari and the investigation was started.

The child was recovered within just four hours

According to the police, a team was formed for this, after which within just four hours the child was recovered from flat number 9 located in Lohia Nagar of Kankarbagh police station area. Newborn Ashish is a resident of Canal located on TS Verma Road of Rupaspur police station area. The arrested couple, husband Dinendra Kumar and wife Kanchan Devi, are residents of Kochas in Rohtas. The arrested accused runs a Sattu shop near Station Road.

When she asked for her son’s address, people gave her money.

During the press conference, the newborn’s mother tearfully told that when I showed her son’s picture and asked people, they used to give money in her hand. Every day for three days, they came near Patna Junction and questioned every auto driver, people who came to worship in the temple, people near the station, but no one helped. The investigation team included Kotwali’s Additional Police Station Head Naveen Kumar Jha, Inspector Mukesh Kumar Singh, Constable Vinay Paswan, Bablu Kumar, Vinod Kumar, Ranjit Kumar Singh.

The wife was going to her parents’ home in Delhi after being angry with her husband.

Jyoti Kumari, mother of newborn Ashish Kumar, told that there was a fight with her husband Mukendra Bind on some issue last Tuesday. After this, I left with Ashish to go to my parents’ house in Chandra Vihar Colony, Delhi. As soon as she reached near the station after taking the auto, she found Dinendra platform number one. Jyoti did not know on which platform the train going to Delhi would arrive. Vicious told him that the train would arrive at platform number four. After this, he slowly started luring her into vicious conversation.

Both had boarded Kamakhya Express

Vicious told Jyoti that he was also going to Allahabad. After this both of them boarded the Kamakhya Express. When the train reached Bhojpur, Jyoti took someone’s mobile phone and called her mother and told her the whole story. After this Jyoti’s mother said that your daughter is crying at home. Go back home. After this Jyoti Ara came down. Seeing this, the vicious person also got down and came with him to Patna. After coming to Patna, he was told to take you on an auto. While making her sit in the auto, the vicious person took the child from her hand and asked her to sit. As soon as the woman started sitting in the auto, the miscreant disappeared into the crowd along with the child.

Police reached the gang with the help of CCTV and informer

The DSP said that the disappearance of a four-month-old child was a very blind case. As per the information given by the woman, the police scanned the CCTV footage from near the incident spot. After the woman described the man’s appearance, the police spotted a suspect. At the same time, the informer near the station identified Huliya and confirmed that this child is a vicious member of the thief gang. After this, with the help of the footage captured in CCTV, the police reached his flat in Kankarbagh police station area. During interrogation, both of them told that they would have sold the child to someone today itself. The couple has three daughters.

Seeing mother, Ashish started smiling…

When the police reached the flat, the vicious woman was holding the newborn in her lap. The newborn was crying a lot. As soon as he saw his mother he started smiling. He became silent as soon as he came into my lap. After the recovery of the child, the mother started crying bitterly in the police station itself. The DSP also gave Rs 500 as a gift to the child. The newborn’s father works as a mason.

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