
Naxalite Chanchal’s squad carrying a reward of Rs 25 lakh is surrounded in Bokaro, firing is going on since yesterday

Ranjit Kumar, Bokaro: The squad of Naxalite Virsen alias Chanchal, carrying a reward of Rs 25 lakh, has been surrounded near Halve-Kamalchumba between Jhumra and Jinaga in Bokaro district. Since 10 am, Barhi Cobra Battalion, CRPF, Jharkhand Jaguar and local police personnel have been cordoned off from all sides. At 10 am, the Naxal squad intermittently fired twice at the security forces. There is no report of anyone getting shot from either side in the firing incident.

Firing is going on between Naxalites and security forces since Tuesday. The security forces personnel laid a tight siege and reached close to the Naxalites on Wednesday. Meanwhile, the Naxalites included in the squad started firing. Bokaro SP Priyadarshi Alok said that there are probably 15 to 20 Naxalites in the squad. Naxalites are within the reach of security forces.

The soldiers involved have not given time to the Naxalites to move since morning. We are slowly getting closer to the Naxalites. Naxalite Veersen alias Chanchal is a Naxalite carrying a reward of Rs 25 lakh. He will soon be in police custody. A continuous search operation is going on by the security forces. During the search operation, security forces recovered 5.56 mm INSAS live round 1, empty cache of 5.56 mm INSAS 3 nose, 7.62 mm SLR 4 nose, gun powder 2 bottles, barmer plate 1 nose, laptop with charge 1, pen drive 16 GB. Apart from some phone numbers, medical kits have been installed.

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