
National Youth Day: Swami Vivekananda is the ideal of youth, read his 12 mantras

National Youth Day: The entire life of Swami Vivekananda teaches us discipline, concentration, curiosity and dedication towards our goals. He believed that youth have the ability to solve all the problems of the world. His personality is so inspiring that in his short life span of 39 years, he became an action plan for the young generation of the country for hundreds of years ahead. He used to say that if you do not get success, do not lose courage, keep trying and learn from failures and keep fighting. One day victory will be at your feet. With his thoughts, Swami Vivekananda will always inspire the youth to increase their spiritual strength as well as physical strength. This year is the 162nd birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda. every year on his birthday National Youth Day is celebrated.

Swami Vivekananda ideal of youth

  • Mantra to overcome weakness

Whenever any youth would come to Swami Vivekananda and talk about understanding the message of Geeta, Swamiji would say that ‘If you want to understand the message of Geeta, then first go to the field and play football’. The youth would be left wondering after hearing this. On this Swamiji explained that only if you have strong muscles like Arjun, you will be able to understand the message of Geeta. He believed that weakness is the biggest obstacle in the path of youth’s success.

  • definition of national service

Swami Vivekananda was a humanist thinker. According to him, human life itself is a religion. He believed that every person can experience his own God. He said that my God is a sad, suffering and poor person of every caste. In this way, Swami Vivekananda linked poverty with God and gave the concept of Daridranarayan, so that people could be made aware of the service of the deprived classes. Besides, they can also be motivated to improve their situation. He said that ‘As long as millions of people of the country suffer from hunger and ignorance, I will consider every person ungrateful who got educated at his own expense, but did not pay attention to eradicating hunger and ignorance.’ He has called working for the welfare of the poor as national service. Swami Vivekananda used to say that only those live who dedicate themselves to bringing smiles on the faces of needy people.

  • slave has no religion

In the year 1901, a young Hemchandra Ghosh wanted to discuss religion with Swami Vivekananda in Dhaka. Swamiji just said one sentence and Hemchandra found the purpose of his life. Swamiji said that ‘Slave has no religion, go and free your mother (Mata India) first’. Swami ji’s answer hurt Hemchandra. After this he emerged as a strong revolutionary. Similarly, Jatin Mukherjee had gone to Swamiji with the expectation of Sannyasa. Swamiji inspired him to be active in the work of revolution and then by becoming Bagha Jatin, he gave sleepless nights to the British.

  • hallmark of gentleman

Swami Vivekananda lived in America also in the attire of a monk. He was wearing saffron clothes, a turban on his head, a stick in his hand and a sheet on his shoulders. One day he was touring in Chicago in this costume. An American woman following Swamiji said to her companion, just look at him, what a strange dress he is wearing. It did not take long for Swamiji to understand the woman’s statement that the Americans were looking at her attire with contempt. Swami ji stopped and said – Sister, don’t be surprised to see these clothes of mine. In your country, clothes are the criterion of gentlemanliness, but in the country where I come from, gentlemanliness is not determined by a man’s clothes but by his character.

  • We can learn even from the little ones

Once Swami Vivekananda, while touring India, went to the king of Khetri. The king respected him a lot. A bhajan singer and dancer were called in his honour. When Swamiji saw the dancer, he wanted to leave from there, but the king insisted and made him sit. The dancer started singing – ‘Prabhuji Avgun Chit Na Dharo’, the meaning was, ‘O Nath, you are sane, the iron that is in the butcher’s knife is in the temple urn. Paras does not differentiate between them. He turns both of them into kundan by touching them. Be it Yamuna water or drain water, when both fall into Ganga, they become Ganga water. O Lord, then why this difference? You take me under your shelter. Hearing this, tears welled up in Swamiji’s eyes. A monk actually received the teachings of Advaita Vedanta from a dancer.

  • Inspiration can come from anywhere

A Pandit of Porbandar said – Swamiji, there are many pundits of religion in India, who will listen to you here? You go abroad. Swamiji went to America. While traveling for a few days, his savings were exhausted. A person gave him the fare to Boston and also a letter addressed to a member of the Dharma Sammelan. He also got lost somewhere on the way. Due to cold he had to spend the night in a wooden box. Went on foot in the morning. Tired, he sat under a building and started thinking, what should I do now? The letter also got lost. How to enter the Dharma Sammelan? Finally, God listened to him. From that building, an elite lady was staring at that saint with divine face. He called Swami Vivekananda upstairs. She was H.W. Hale. He had access to the members of this world conference. That’s it, Swamiji got representation in the conference, albeit informally.

  • importance of tolerance

Once Swami Vivekananda was sitting in the first class compartment of a train. At that time, traveling in first class was not easy for Indians. In the middle of the journey two Englishmen came and sat near him. Both of them were surprised to see a monk in the first class. After seeing Vivekananda, both of them started speaking ill of the sage. He was saying that saints travel in first class with other people’s money. Both of them kept criticizing Swami Vivekananda for a long time, but Swami Vivekananda remained silent. After some time the ticket checker came to that compartment. When he reached Swamiji, Swami Vivekananda spoke to him in English. Both the Englishmen were surprised to see this. Both of them told Swami Vivekananda that you know English, yet you were silent after hearing your evil. Why didn’t you answer us? Swami ji said that my patience improves only with the critical words of people like you. You expressed your views and I decided to tolerate those things. If I had been angry at you, it would have been my loss.

  • Whatever you think, you will become.

Swami Vivekananda has said that whatever you think, you will become. If you think you are weak, you become weak. At the same time, if you consider yourself powerful, then you become powerful. In true sense, the messages of Swami Vivekananda stand the test of logic.

  • also accept modernization

When Swami Vivekananda returned from his trip to Western countries, inspired by his logical explanation of Indian culture, his American and European followers also came to India. In the year 1897 he established Ramakrishna Mission. In this he also got the support of these followers. Swami Vivekananda stressed that Indian spirituality should spread towards the material and modern culture of the West. Besides, he also stood strongly in favor of scientific modernization of India. He also supported the scientific projects of Jagadish Chandra Bose. Swami Vivekananda invited Irish teacher Margaret Noble (whom he named ‘Sister Nivedita’) to India so that she could help improve the condition of Indian women. It was Swami Vivekananda who inspired Jamsetji Tata to establish the Indian Institute of Science and Tata Iron and Steel Company.

  • never leave the truth

Swami Vivekananda was a brilliant student since childhood. All his colleagues were also impressed by his personality. When he told something to his fellow students, everyone used to listen to him with fascination. One day in the class he was telling a story to some friends, everyone was so engrossed in listening to him that they did not realize when the teacher came into the class and started teaching. Master had just started teaching when he heard some whispering. Who is talking? Master ji asked in a loud voice. All the students pointed towards Swamiji and the students sitting with him. On hearing this the master became angry. He immediately called those students and started asking questions related to the lesson. When no one could answer, finally Master ji asked the same question to Vivekananda. He answered that question easily. Seeing this, Master ji was convinced that Swami ji was paying attention to the lesson and the rest of the students were busy in conversation. He punished everyone except Swamiji to stand on the bench. All the students started standing on the bench one by one, Swamiji also did the same. Master said – Narendra, you sit down. No sir, I will also have to stand up, because it was I who was talking to these students. The teacher was very impressed by Vivekananda’s courage to speak the truth.

  • always be kind

One day Swami Vivekananda’s mother asked him, son, bring me a knife. Swami Vivekananda brought the knife and kept its edge towards himself and the holding part towards his mother. His mother was very happy with him and said that now you can work for the upliftment of the society. When he asked his mother the reason for her thinking, she said – The way you handed me the knife, you kept the edge towards yourself, so that I would not get hurt. This shows your kindness. It is said that he told Swami Vivekananda that as you took care of me, you have to take care of all the people and this entire society too.

  • humility is a precious virtue

Once when Swami Vivekananda was in England, Swami Vivekananda corrected his friend’s English during a conversation during his stay in London. His friend protested against him saying that English is his mother tongue and there is no need to correct what he is saying. Swami Vivekananda smiled and said very politely – I have knowledge of the language, because I have learned the language and you have only acquired it. Hearing this, his friends could not help but be overwhelmed. This is one of the countless stories from his life, where Swamiji left a deep impression on the hearts of people with his talent, knowledge, facts and compassion.

some books

A compilation of the speeches given by Swami Vivekananda during the journey is found in many of his books. Among the books written by Swami Vivekananda, the prominent ones are Gyanyoga, Rajyoga, Karmayoga, Bhaktiyoga, My Master, Lectures from Colombo to Almora.

  • Gyan Yoga, Publisher: Ramakrishna Math (Price ~80)

The book is a collection of his speeches on Vedanta. Swami Vivekananda has explained the esoteric elements of Vedanta in a simple, clear and beautiful manner in his speeches. The book explains how Vedanta is the highest level of human thought.

  • Karmayoga, Publisher: Ramakrishna Math (Price ~40)

This is a famous book of Swami Vivekananda. Every chapter of this book is a compilation of lectures of Swami Vivekananda. It includes speeches given by Swami Vivekananda between December 1895 and January 1896.

  • Bhakti Yoga, Publisher: Ramakrishna Math (Price ~25)

Discussion of different means of devotion. in this book Swami Vivekananda While describing the characteristics of devotion, he has written that searching for God with a sincere spirit is called Bhaktiyoga. This search has its beginning, middle and end in love.

Took retirement at the age of 25

When Vivekananda was 18 years old, he met Ramakrishna Paramahamsa. He retired at the age of 25.

  • Childhood Name: Narendra Nath Dutt

  • Birth: January 12, 1863 (Kolkata)

  • Death: July 4, 1902 (Belur Math)

  • Parents: Bhuvaneshwari Devi, Vishwanath Dutt

  • Guru: Ramakrishna Paramhansa

  • Philosophy: Vedanta, Raja Yoga

  • Organization: Ramakrishna Mission established in the year 1897

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