
Muzaffarpur: Youth performing stunts on the road trampled four, three died

A state in Eastern India: Stunting four youths riding on two bikes near Jhitkahiyan Pakhi Ghat of Hathaudi police station area of ​​Muzaffarpur proved costly. After the bike lost its balance, they collided with each other. During this, a bike rider trampled four including an elderly person sitting on the roadside. In this, elderly Ramdev Manjhi (73), Sunita Devi (38) and a bike rider Rahul Kumar (18) died on the spot. He was a resident of Bilanpur under Mahindwara police station in Sitamarhi district. Sunita Devi’s son Deepu Kumar (11) and Dheeraj Kumar (10) were seriously injured in the accident. After the incident, the three friends of the deceased bike rider fled from the spot. With the help of the local people, everyone was brought to SKMCH in a private vehicle. The doctor declared the old man, woman and bike rider dead on sight. At the same time, the treatment of both the teenagers is going on in the emergency ward.

Relatives created ruckus in SKMCH

After getting information about the death of bike rider Rahul Kumar, his relatives reached SKMCH. Seeing the dead body of the son, the relatives got angry and started creating a lot of ruckus. The family says that only the leg is broken and there is no wound on the body, then how did the death happen. He also got entangled with the doctor who was treating him in the emergency ward. Information about the uproar, the Medical OP police reached the spot. The angry people were pacified by convincing them. The father of the deceased has accused the son’s three friends of killing him and throwing away his son’s body. He says that all three took him away from home and after killing him, threw him on the roadside. Police say that the statement of the family will be recorded after the post-mortem.

The balance deteriorated in lifting the wheel of the bike

Regarding the incident, the local people told that four youths riding two bikes were coming and going by bike from Jhitkahiyan towards Pakhi Ghat at a very high speed. Both the bike riders were doing different stunts. Sometimes leaving the handle of the bike, all four were driving the bike with folded hands. Sometimes used to lift the front wheel of the bike. Meanwhile, his balance deteriorated. While trampling Sunita Devi and her son Deepu Kumar who were returning after working in the field, a bike rider trampled Ramdev Manjhi and Dheeraj Kumar sitting on the roadside. In this, the youth riding the bike was also thrown from the bike. His legs were broken and he wandered. A large number of local people gathered after the incident. Till then the three friends of the deceased bike rider fled.

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