
Muzaffarpur weather update: People are troubled by the scorching sun, there is a possibility of getting relief from this day

A state in Eastern India: In Muzaffarpur district, people are in a bad condition due to strong sunlight and humid heat since last one week. On Saturday, the maximum temperature of the day was recorded at 39.2 and the minimum at 26 degrees. The mercury was stuck at 42 degrees for the last two days. But even after the temperature dropped by 2.8 degrees, people were not feeling relieved. According to the Meteorological Center, relief is expected from Monday.

People are getting sick due to humid heat

There is a possibility of rain in the surrounding districts including Muzaffarpur. Here, due to the gust of hot wind on Saturday, there was less movement of people on the roads. Due to the strong sunlight and humid heat, people are falling prey to diseases. There has been a significant increase in the number of patients in Sadar Hospital, SKMCH and Kejriwal Hospital since last one week. Most of the patients are getting admitted suffering from vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain.

Outcry for water in Imli Chatti

On the one hand, a drain is being constructed under the Smart City, while on the other hand, the people of the ward are yearning for pure water in Imlichatti in this scorching heat. Corporation’s water pipeline is getting damaged during excavation from JCB. The dirty water of the drain is being supplied in Imli Chatti since two days. The Municipal Corporation’s water pump installed under the bridge is bad for about six months. Because of this, the residents of Imlichatti have to buy and drink water in this hot summer. Somewhere the pipeline breaks during construction, the same agency has to repair it, but this is not happening. Even if an application is given to repair the pump, there is a delay in it. Regarding this, the former district spokesperson of the BJP Medical Forum has written a letter to the Municipal Commissioner and the Mayor, demanding to get rid of it.

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