
Muzaffarpur Weather: Finally the mood of the weather changed, it rained clouds and got relief from the heat

Muzaffarpur: Monsoon had arrived in North Bihar on 12th June. On about 16 days, on Wednesday, the effect of monsoon was visible from the city to the rural areas. Monsoon showers continued intermittently with dark clouds in the sky from morning till evening. People celebrated it fiercely from home to market. Many times during the day, it rained in pieces in different areas of the city. The condition was that it was raining in Aghoria market, while it was dry at Dharamshala Chowk.

temperature dropped significantly

The common people along with the farmers were waiting for heavy rains for a long time. But it didn’t rain like that. According to the Meteorological Department, there was light rain due to the weakening of the monsoon. People got relief from the heat due to change in weather patterns. The mercury has also dropped down to a great extent. In the last 24 hours, a drop of two degree Celsius has been recorded in the maximum temperature. The maximum temperature was 33.4 degree Celsius, while the minimum temperature was recorded at 24.5 degree Celsius. The weather has definitely become pleasant, but according to the departmental forecast, there is no possibility of good rains till July 2.

Increased brightness of markets and intersections

People were waiting for the rain for a long time. In such a situation, due to the presence of black clouds throughout the day, the brightness of the markets and squares increased. People were celebrating the first rain. There were less number of people on the roads, who were trying to hide because of the rain. Most of the people were enjoying the first rain. The children also had a lot of fun during the rain by going to the roofs of the house. Despite the rain, there was a huge crowd in the market.

Farmer’s child got oxygen

Most of the farmers have got relief from the rains on Wednesday. This water will work as oxygen for the already drying paddy straw. The paddy crop was scorched in most of the blocks of the district. According to the farmers, if this condition of monsoon continues, then the farmers will be able to gather courage for the paddy crop, even if it is late. At present, the number of such farmers in the district is more, who do not have their own means of irrigation. His troubles were increasing gradually.

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