
Muzaffarpur: All three policemen found guilty of throwing dead bodies in the river suspended, action taken after investigation of viral video

Muzaffarpur. Muzaffarpur SSP has taken action against the three police personnel who threw the dead body from the bridge into the canal. In the departmental inquiry conducted after the video went viral on social media in this regard, the SSP prima facie found all three policemen guilty and suspended all three. A driver and two other Home Guard personnel have been removed from duty and instructions have been given to take action against them. All three are accused of throwing the body of a person who died in a road accident from the bridge into the canal. When its video went viral on social media, the police administration was shocked. It was investigated hurriedly and now action has been taken. During the investigation, the accused had initially argued that the body parts had been thrown into the canal, but when questions were raised on this argument, within an hour the three soldiers were declared guilty and action was taken against them. .

Policemen are seen dragging the dead body from the bridge and throwing it into the canal.

The video of this incident in Muzaffarpur went viral on social media on Sunday morning. In the viral video, three police personnel are seen dragging the body of a person who died in a road accident and throwing it into the canal below the bridge, instead of taking it to the hospital. During this time, someone present there made a video of the entire incident and shared it on social media, which is going viral. The video going viral on social media is said to be of Dhodhi Canal Bridge of Fakuli OP area. After the shameful act of humanity and humanity of Muzaffarpur police has come to light, the market of discussion has become heated in the district and people are raising questions on the working style of the police. The deceased could not even be identified because the body was thrown into the canal.

Arguments did not work, action was taken

Muzaffarpur SSP office has earlier said that on October 8, information was received about the death of a person in a road accident on the National Highway under Fakuli OP. As soon as the information was received, the OP in-charge immediately reached the spot, took possession of the body and sent its preserved part to the hospital for post-mortem. Police have argued that after the accident, badly stuck body parts, clothes etc. were thrown into a nearby canal. The video going viral on social media is being investigated and action will be taken if found to be genuine. When questions started being raised on this argument of the police, within an hour the SSP office informed the media that all three police personnel have been found guilty and action has been taken against them.

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