
Mukesh Ambani likes Idli Sambhar of this restaurant, if you go to Mumbai then you should also try it.

Mukesh Ambani

Mukesh Ambani Favorite Restaurant: Everyone knows that Mukesh Ambani is one of the richest people in the country. Mukesh Ambani is so rich that he has more than 600 servants in his house Antilia, who prepare all types of dishes. Generally, he likes to eat Bhel Puri, Gujarati Dal, Rajma Roti, Dahi Batata. But do you know today which restaurant in Mumbai Mukesh Ambani likes to eat? Let us know in detail about Mukesh Ambani’s favorite restaurant.

Mukesh Ambani

Mukesh Ambani’s favorite restaurants

Talking about Mukesh Ambani’s favorite restaurant, let us tell you that Cafe Mysore is one of the oldest restaurants in Mumbai. It was founded in 1930 by A. Rama Nayak, a fourth grade dropout. You will get only pure vegetarian food in Cafe Mysore Restaurant. Mukesh Ambani likes to eat the food here. This restaurant is Ambani’s favourite.

Mukesh Ambani

Mukesh Ambani’s favorite dish

Nowadays, every child knows Mukesh Ambani. Mukesh Ambani is also fond of eating and drinking. Mukesh Ambani’s favorite dish is Idli Sambar. He comes to CafĂ© Mysore restaurant just for Idli Sambar. It is said that this is Munkesh’s favorite restaurant, from where he often orders Idli Sambar. In fact, the owners of Cafe Mysore have also published the news in the newspapers in which Mukesh Ambani has been shown eating in the restaurant.

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