
MP News: The injured tiger is getting affected by the treatment, his health is improving, he was injured in a clash with another tiger.

Madhya Pradesh News: A team of doctors is busy treating the injured tiger in Madhya Pradesh. A team of doctors has reached Bandhavgarh National Park from Jabalpur for the treatment of the injured tiger. Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve’s Joint Director Lavit Bharti said that a tiger was injured. He told that it was injured during a fight with another tiger, and had become weak due to not being able to hunt. He said that the tiger was in a very injured condition. Due to the wound, infection had also spread in his body. First the tiger was given initial treatment. Wildlife doctors operated on him. Doctors say that he is responding to the treatment. The injured tiger is now able to stand.

Was injured in a clash with another tiger
Lavit Bharti, Joint Director of Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve, said that this tiger had clashed with another tiger. He was seriously injured in a fight between tigers. He said that the wound in his body was so deep that he was not even able to stand. At the same time, the tiger had become very weak due to not hunting. However, the doctors’ medicines have had an effect on the tiger and his health is gradually improving. Now he has started standing.

Team of doctors did rescue
The injured tiger has been rescued from Pataur forest area of ​​Bandhavgarh National Park. At present he has been kept in a cage. Tiger Reserve officials say that he will be kept in the enclosure until he becomes completely healthy. Let us tell you that the forest officials had received the news that a male tiger is sitting in the Bamera area. After this, the tiger was rescued with the help of elephants. Currently a team of doctors is treating the injured tiger.

Veerangana Durgavati Tiger Sanctuary becomes the seventh tiger reserve of Madhya Pradesh.
In this series, Madhya Pradesh has got a new protected area for tigers, Veerangana Durgavati Sanctuary. Madhya Pradesh has the highest number of tigers in the country. This will be the seventh tiger sanctuary in the state. In the animal census of 2022 in Madhya Pradesh, the status of tiger state of the state was maintained and the number of tigers in the state increased to 785 which was 526 in 2018. The Union Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change has notified various areas under the Veerangana Durgavati Tiger Reserve with the aim of ensuring the conservation of wild animals, an official said. Till now, Madhya Pradesh was home to six tiger reserves Kanha, Bandhavgarh, Satpura, Pench, Panna and Sanjay-Dubri.

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