
Motivate yourself like this after the release of result board results

result: After the board exams are over, now students and their parents are waiting for the results. CBSE and other boards are going to release the results soon. Curiosity about the results is increasing. Most parents wish that their son or daughter do the best. Get the best number. Be a topper. But this does not happen often. There remains a lack somewhere. Do not compare children with others in this situation. Comfort them. Motivate that all is not lost. There will be opportunities in future too. The ability of children cannot be judged by the performance of results. Sometimes the results may not be as expected. At such times, parents have to show patience. In this situation your children need your support.

result: Don’t put pressure on doing your best

Many parents start blaming their children for poor performance in the results. taunt. To scold. Comparing them with other children. Such behavior is not a sign of a mature parent. When the results are not as per their wish, children reach a state of despair. In such a situation, do not do anything that breaks the morale of the children and makes them unprepared for the future. It is said that the result does not decide the future of your children. It’s just a number.

All children have their own abilities. Encourage children to do better but do not put pressure on them that they have to do their best. Too much pressure can make him stressed. In such a situation, if the results are not as per his wish, he may become a victim of inferiority complex. It is possible that he may consider his failure as a challenge and resolve to do better in the future. Once he falls or stumbles, he may become alert for what lies ahead. He can study with more effort than before. Can give better results. But for this he will need your support and motivation.

result: Do this if it’s results week

  • The biggest challenge during the declaration of results is to create a positive atmosphere at home. Whether the result is good or bad, do not lose your positivity. Keep the atmosphere positive.
  • Don’t scold him, but support him. Explain that this is not the end but the beginning. Along with success in life there also comes failure. Don’t be disappointed.
  • Many times parents promise their children before the results that they will give gifts if they get good results. Even if the result is not good, do not go back on the promise. This will bring negativity in the child. Do keep your promise.
  • Our history is replete with such examples that even great personalities have faced failures in their lives. And by rising above it and learning from it, he achieved high positions in life. Motivate children with such examples.

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