
Most Dangerous Country: The most dangerous and unsafe country in the world, where going is not without danger.

Most Dangerous Country: There would hardly be anyone who would not like to go abroad. Everyone wants to travel abroad at least once in their life. In this article we will tell you about such countries where visiting is not without any danger. Let us know.


Since the Russia-Ukraine war, going to Russia is not without any danger. So don’t think about visiting Russia right now. You will remember that the war between Ukraine and Russia started on 24 February 2022. This war between the two countries is still going on.


syria country

We are talking about those countries where going there is no less than dangerous, one of those countries is Syria. Civil war continues in Syria. This war started in 2011. The Syrian civil war has created the world’s biggest humanitarian crisis since World War II.



There have been four wars between Israel and Palestine. These wars took place in 2008-9, 2012, 2014 and 2021. 1400 Palestinians and 13 Israelis were killed in the 2008 war. The war of 2021 lasted for 11 days. Violence began in 2021 when Israeli troops attacked the Al-Aqsa Mosque in East Jerusalem. At present, going to this country is no less than a danger.



The Taliban captured Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan, on August 15, 2021 and currently controls the entire country. The Taliban tried to capture power in Afghanistan since 2001. The Taliban took control of Afghanistan through a military offensive from May to August 2021. Let us tell you that Taliban declared Afghanistan an Islamic nation. These days, Afghanistan has become a country which is no less than a threat.


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