
Moscow Attack: 115 people have died in indiscriminate firing in Russia.

Moscow Attack: Dozens of people have died in indiscriminate firing during a concert at the Crocus City Hall near the Russian capital Moscow. According to the latest report, the death toll has increased to 133. Let us tell you, the attackers first fired at the venue of the ceremony and then set the venue on fire. Due to which many more people lost their lives. There is silence all over Russia after the shooting in the Crocus City Hall. Russian President Vladimir Putin, while addressing the nation, said that he strongly condemns this bloody, barbaric terrorist act. He has declared March 24 as a national mourning day.

Tried to flee to Ukraine after the attack – Putin

Addressing the nation, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that he tried to escape. They were moving towards the border of Ukraine. Putin said that investigating officials will make every effort to identify him. Putin said that these terrorists had come specifically to kill the Russian people. He has also expressed hope for cooperation from other countries. Putin said that these terrorists have no nationality.

IS took responsibility for the attack

The Islamic State terrorist group has taken responsibility for the terrorist attack on Russia. This terrorist attack is considered to be the worst attack in Russia in the last two decades, in which 133 people have lost their lives. Following the attack, the Islamic State group claimed responsibility for the attack in a statement shared on affiliated channels on social media. The Islamic State group said in a statement through its Amaq news agency that it attacked a large gathering, killing hundreds of people.

11 people arrested for attack

Meanwhile, Russian security forces have detained 11 people after the attack. Security forces say that among the arrested people, four accused are directly related to the attack. At the same time, the news agency Associated Press has said about the attack that the American intelligence officer has said that the American intelligence agency had come to know that some IS terrorists in Afghanistan were planning to attack in Moscow. According to the report, he had also shared this information with Russia.

Russia continues war in Ukraine

It is noteworthy that this attack has taken place at a time when Russia is having a fierce war with Ukraine. The war between Russia and Ukraine has been going on for the last three years. At the same time, elections have been held in Russia recently, and Vladimir Putin has once again come to power. At the same time, regarding the attack, it is being said that some people entered the venue of the function and started firing indiscriminately at the people present there. Due to which many people died. After this they set fire there itself. Courtesy: Language Input

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