
More than Rs 4 lakh looted at a distance of 100 meters from the police station in Muzaffarpur, collection agent’s head broken after protesting

Near IndusInd Bank, located just 100 meters away from Muzaffarpur Sadar Police Station, criminals looted more than Rs 4.20 lakh from Narayan Kumar, collection agent of Radiant Cash Security Company. When he protested against the looting, the criminals injured the collection agent Narayan Kumar by hitting him on the head with the butt of his pistol. Two criminals riding on a black bike committed this crime and after looting the cash, they fled from the spot by passing in front of the police station.

A suspect seen in CCTV footage

The criminals carried out this incident when the collection agent was going to collect money from IndusInd Bank and deposit it in Bank of Baroda. On receiving information about the incident, ASP Town Awadhesh Saroj Dixit and police of Sadar police station reached the spot. The injured agent has been admitted to SKMCH for treatment. ASP Town has examined the CCTV footage of the incident site and the shops around it. Police have found a picture of a suspect doing recce inside the bank in CCTV. At the same time, the CCTV footage located on the way in which the criminals fled was being scrutinized till late evening. He has also taken information about the matter from the officials of the CMD department of IndusInd Bank.

The agent’s head was broken by hitting him with the butt of the pistol.

It is said that every day the agents of Radiant Company come and collect money from the CMD department of IndusInd Bank located near Bhagwanpur of Sadar police station area. Like every day, Narayan Kumar, agent of Sahabajpur Veenu Nagar, Ahiyapur, came down from the bank on Monday after collecting Rs 4 lakh 21 thousand 600. As soon as he had kept the money in the car, two criminals riding a bike came from behind and at pistol point asked him to give the money.

When the agent protested, the criminals injured him by hitting him on the head with the butt of the pistol. After this the criminals fled from the spot with the cash. Of the two criminals riding a bike, one was wearing a mask, while the other was wearing a helmet. After reaching SKMCH, ASP Town interrogated the injured collection agent. The police has also taken his mobile for investigation.

Agent under suspicion for not accompanying gunman

During investigation, it was revealed that collection agent Narayan Kumar used to go to IndusInd Bank daily in Omni vehicle to collect cash. But, on Monday he reached to collect the money without the gunman. Despite having a huge amount of money, he did not inform the police. The agent says that he had stopped the criminals for about two minutes. During this time one lost his hand, so he injured him by hitting him with the butt of the pistol. The criminals also wanted to open fire, but he saved his life by hiding in the tea shop. After this the miscreants took out the cash from the car and ran away.

How much was looted?

After the incident, the statement of injured Cash Security Agency agent Narayan Kumar is under question. He says that the criminals have looted eight lakh rupees kept in the car. At the same time, Ravi Ranjan, Manager of CMD Department of IndusInd Bank, told that two staff of Cash Security Agency had come down from the bank with Rs 4 lakh 21 thousand. This cash was from Friday.

What did SP say?

Rs 4.21 lakh was looted from the staff of a cash security agency. The agent was assaulted by criminals due to which he is injured. The case is being investigated. – Awadhesh Saroj Dixit, ASP Town

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