
Monsoon Health Care: How to increase immunity? Try the recipe to stay healthy with yoga

Monsoon Health Care: In the rainy season, due to rain, sometimes sunlight and sometimes humidity, many types of seasonal diseases start to dominate. That’s why a little carelessness towards the body can be heavy in terms of health. In monsoon, it is important to follow a daily routine that prepares our body to fight infections and boost blood circulation. Yoga asanas with breathing exercises are a better effort towards health care. To protect health and boost immunity, incorporating yoga and meditation into your daily routine can prove to be extremely beneficial.

Monsoon Health Care

The day should be started with yoga. It is an activity that energizes the body and soul and is the best way to start your day. Start your morning with yoga asanas like Surya Namaskar. It helps in promoting blood circulation and strengthening your immunity.

Monsoon Health Care

Many common respiratory diseases like influenza, common cold, asthma, pneumonia and bronchitis occur in rainy season. You can practice deep breathing exercises like Pranayama. It helps in increasing lung capacity and improving immunity. Due to lack of sunlight, mood swings and anxiety problems also come to the fore in this season, so it is important to work on your mental health. Regular meditation sessions help in reducing stress, anxiety and depression. A calm mind increases the defense power of the body.

Monsoon Health Care

One way to eliminate toxic substances from your body in the right way is by drinking enough water. Drink enough water to flush out toxins and maintain optimal body functions. Herbal tea like ginger or basil tea also increases your immunity.

Monsoon Health Care

Include foods that increase immunity in your diet. Take a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds to provide essential nutrients to your body. Foods like turmeric, garlic help in strengthening the immune system.

Monsoon Health Care

Complete sleep is very important for good health, so make sleep a priority. Make sure you get enough restful sleep every night. A well-rested body is better prepared to fight off infections. By including these practices in your lifestyle, you can build up a strong immunity against monsoon related diseases. Apart from this, physical, mental and spiritual fitness also increases self-confidence. Therefore, instead of waiting for tomorrow, adopt a healthy lifestyle from today itself and also introduce the power of yoga to the rest of the family members. If possible, all the members start the new day by doing yoga together.

Monsoon Health Care

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