
Monsoon 2023: Do not be negligent in eating, know Ayurvedic diet plan

Monsoon 2023: In the monsoon, the digestive fire slows down, due to which problems related to the digestive system are also more. In this season, due to dirt and humidity, bacteria and viruses grow more, due to which the risk of infection related to the digestive system is more than in other seasons. In such a situation, special care should be taken of food and drink in monsoon.

Ayurveda says that good health is the result of a good digestive system. Our health does not depend on how much nutritious food we eat, but on how well our body can digest that food. The center of all diseases is our stomach, the food which our body cannot digest, harms the body instead of benefiting it.

Digestive system affects other organs

The disturbances of the digestive system affect not only other systems, but also the organs. The composition of the bacteria living in the intestines changes when the weather changes. Due to this, our digestive system does not remain without getting affected and the risk of infection also increases. When our digestive system is good, the immune system is also better, because 70-80 of our immune cells are present in the intestines.

ayurvedic diet plan for monsoon

An Ayurvedic diet should include seasonal fruits and vegetables, dry fruits, whole grains, pulses and fluids. Vata increases in the body during monsoon, so pungent, salty, fried foods should not be consumed. Especially, in these days, light food is very beneficial for health.

Take special care of these things

  • Microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses thrive in monsoon, so take special care of cleanliness in cooking, serving and eating.

  • Eat simple, digestible and nutritious homemade food. Do not eat outside food as it can cause stomach infection.

  • Must eat seasonal fruits daily, but keep in mind that they should be fresh, instead of cutting them, eat them whole.

  • Consume pulses and whole grains as well. Use pure honey and jaggery instead of white sugar.

  • Food should neither be overcooked nor undercooked. Do not eat overripe and underripe fruits in this season.

  • Always drink boiled or filtered water. Consume rock salt with a small piece of ginger before eating.

  • Avoid green salad in this season. Also, do not eat stale food at all.

  • Washing your hands with soap whenever necessary will keep your hands as clean as you can. You will be exposed to fewer germs.

  • Do not eat from roadside vendors and dirty places. Consume meat only after cooking it well.

  • Do not consume leafy vegetables in the rains, because there is a risk of spreading infection from them, and secondly, they contain cellulose, which is difficult to digest.

5 super foods for monsoon

During the monsoon season, health experts recommend eating certain food items in the diet.

Foods containing Vitamin-C: Pomegranate, Mosambi, Lemon, Jamun etc. are good sources of Vitamin-C during the rainy season. Vitamin-C boosts immunity.

Turmeric: Turmeric, also known as the Golden Spice, is no less than a medicine in monsoon. Its intake prevents swelling of tissues and infection of fungus.

Ginger and Garlic: Ginger and garlic have anti-bacterial properties. Ginger soothes the stomach as it helps in digestion. It is good to drink a cup of ginger tea after eating food in this season.

Liquids: Thirst is less in rains, but in this season also drink 7-8 glasses of water daily. Drink a glass of lukewarm water in the morning, add a small spoon of honey to it. Also take buttermilk, soup, coconut water.

Seasonal Fruits: Fruits are full of vitamins and minerals. Eating seasonal fruits is always good for health.

These home remedies will give relief from food poisoning

There are many cases of food poisoning in the rainy season. Food poisoning is also called foodborne disease, because it is caused by eating poisonous, polluted or rotten food. Because this food is infected with bacteria, viruses, other microbes or toxic elements. If food poisoning happens even after taking necessary precautions, then try to cure it with home remedies.

Ginger: If any symptoms of food poisoning are visible, then start consuming ginger tea immediately. This will help your body to overcome the effects of food poisoning.

Lemon: Lemon has anti-inflammatory, anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties. The acid in lemon. It helps in killing the bacteria, which cause food poisoning. Add a pinch of sugar in one spoon of lemon juice and drink it 2-3 times a day. You can also drink lemon juice in lukewarm water. This will clean your digestive system.

Garlic: Due to its anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, garlic is very effective in dealing with food poisoning. It also provides relief in the symptoms of diarrhea and abdominal pain. In case of food poisoning, swallow two cloves of garlic with water.

Cumin: Cumin provides relief in restlessness and abdominal pain caused by food poisoning. Boil one spoon of cumin in one cup of water. Sieve it and mix one spoon coriander leaves juice and a little salt in it. Drink it twice a day for a few days.

Homeopathy is also effective in preventing monsoon diseases

Rain also brings many diseases with it. Where the water of drains starts flowing on the roads in the cities, on the other hand, many diseases caused by contaminated drinking water also reach inside the houses. Apart from contaminated drinking water in the villages, continuous contact with cow dung and mud also causes skin related diseases.

You must make arrangements to prevent six major diseases during this monsoon season. These include malaria, dengue, cholera, typhoid, jaundice and skin diseases like scabies. Apart from this, stings of poisonous insects also bother many people. The main reason for the occurrence of all these diseases is the rapid growth of bacteria in the water accumulated in rain, pits and puddles. For children, this season comes to enjoy the rain drops, as well as brings warnings of diseases.

it is more important to be careful

Do not allow rain water to accumulate near the house. Must apply mosquito net while sleeping. Treating mosquito killer incense sticks can be fatal.

When you come home from outside, first wash your hands and feet thoroughly.

First mix some anti bacterial liquid in the water with which you wash the clothes.

Do not keep yourself wet for a long time in the rainy season. As far as possible, change wet clothes and wear dry clothes, do not let children get wet in the rain.

Some useful homeopathic medicines

There are also some homeopathic medicines, which are helpful in keeping you healthy in the rainy season, but here I would like to emphasize that if you do not keep the surrounding environment clean and do not take care of other preventive measures, then These medicines also cannot help you. Therefore, it is most important to keep yourself clean, keep the surrounding environment clean and follow the important things. If you ever get caught by any disease, then you can take these medicines.

Dulcamara, 30 : This is the first medicine of the rainy season. After soaking in water, this medicine is used for cold and cough, joint pain and asthma, diarrhoea, dysentery, back pain, rainy eczema, urticaria, and taking saliva from the mouth three times a day for a few days. is profitable.

Euphytorium perfoliatum, 30 : Beneficial in malaria, influenza, dengue fever, broken bone pain in the body, headache, back spasms and vomiting of bile. If this medicine is taken in 200 potency, it acts as an antidote to dengue fever.

Mercsol, 30 : This medicine is very beneficial in diarrhoea, green, black or yellow stools of other diseases, tonsils, saliva coming out of the mouth and diarrhea that occurs after abdominal pain.

Natrum Sulphuricum, 30 : It will be beneficial to treat this medicine three times a day in diseases like dark yellow and sometimes green slimy diarrhea, abdominal pain, acidity, chest pain, rainy fever and malaria.

Gelsemium Semper, 30 : It is a panacea medicine that can be used in all types of fever and also in fatal fever occurring in rainy season. Chills are felt before fever, then fever increases. Fever subsides on sweating. Apart from this, there are other medicines, Rastux, Arsenic album, Belladonna, Aconite, Camphor etc. from which their 30 potency medicine can be taken in case of cold and sneezing.

Dr Gaurav Jain

Senior Consultant, Internal Medicine, Dharamshila Narayana Hospital, Delhi

Interview and article: Shamim Khan

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