
MNREGA: Before the elections, the government increased the money of MNREGA workers.

MNREGA: The Central Government has given a big gift to the MNREGA workers before the Lok Sabha elections. The government has issued a notification to pay new rates of wages to the workers included in the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MNREGA). Crores of workers are going to directly benefit from this decision. The maximum wages have been increased by the government in Goa by 10.56 percent. Here the workers earlier used to get Rs 322 per day, which will now increase to Rs 356 per day. Whereas, the lowest wage increase has been made in Uttar Pradesh by only 3.04 percent. Workers of Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand will now get Rs 237 per day which was earlier Rs 230 per day.

14.33 crore people will get benefits

According to the website of the Union Rural Development Ministry, 14.28 crore workers are active in the Manega scheme. They are going to get direct benefits from this decision of the Central Government. Let us tell you that the increase in the budget of MNREGA was announced in the interim budget presented by the Central Government on February 1. The government had kept a budget of Rs 60 thousand crore for this scheme in the year 2023-24. Which will now be Rs 86 thousand crore in the year 2024-25. That means the government has increased the budget by roughly Rs 26 thousand crores.

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how much money increased

After the announcement of increasing the honorarium of MNREGA workers, workers of Bihar and Jharkhand will get Rs 245. The daily wages of MNREGA workers in Haryana, Assam, Manipur, Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Rajasthan, Kerala and Lakshadweep have been increased by about seven percent. Here workers earlier used to get Rs 267.32 per day. Now people will get Rs 285.47 per day. MNREGA workers of Karnataka have also got better benefits. Earlier he used to get Rs 316 for his work, which has now become Rs 349. Workers of Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh will now get Rs 243 per day which was earlier Rs 221.

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