
Milk Face Pack For Glowing Skin In Summer: Just apply this thing with milk in summer, blackness will go away.

Milk Face Pack For Glowing Skin In Summer: As soon as summer starts, many health problems start appearing in people. Due to strong sunlight, dust and sweat, the complexion of the skin is completely taken away. In such a situation, everyone should take special care of their skin. So that dryness can be avoided. Let us know how you can remove sun burn, tanning and blackness just by using milk.

Milk and Banana Face Pack

If you want to keep your face natural during summer, you can make a face pack of milk and banana. For this, take less than half a banana and add milk to it. Mash both well and apply on your face. Keep it on your face like this for at least 20 minutes and then wash your face with cold water. With this face pack your face will glow and sun burn, tanning and blackness will go away.

Benefits of applying milk and turmeric

During summers, in the morning or at night before sleeping, mix a pinch of turmeric in one spoon milk, make a paste and then apply it on your face. Leave this pack on your face for at least 15 minutes. After this wash the face with cold water. Your skin will glow with this pack of milk and turmeric.

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milk and cucumber

If you want glow on your face even in scorching heat, then apply a pack of milk and cucumber. For this, take one spoon milk and mix cucumber juice in it. Then apply it on your face. After 10 minutes wash your face with normal water. This will not only remove sun burn, tanning and blackness but will also get rid of pimples.

Also Read: If you want to detox your body in summer then start drinking a drink made from cucumber and mint leaves.

Also Read:If there is a rash on the forehead in summer, then follow these tips given by the skin expert.

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