
Mentally afflicted patient commits suicide in Rampurhat Medical College Hospital

Birbhum, Mukesh Tiwari: of West Bengal After the incident of suicide by a mentally ill patient admitted in Rampurhat Medical College Hospital in Birbhum district, there was a stir in the entire hospital premises. After the uproar created by the family of the deceased after the incident came to light on Tuesday late night, the police force reached the spot and got involved in the investigation.

Allegations of negligence and negligence in hospital security

The relatives of the deceased patient have alleged negligence and negligence in the security of the hospital. It is told that a patient admitted suffering from mental illness was undergoing treatment in the hospital. After the dead body of the said patient was found hanging from the toilet of the hospital late on Tuesday night, there was uproar in the hospital throughout the night. Police has named the deceased patient as Bhajan Late (25). He was a resident of Shivra village of Rampurhat police station. The family members of the deceased patient allege that 2 days back mentally ill Bhajan was admitted for treatment in the mail ward of the hospital.

The incident created an atmosphere of panic among other patients and their relatives.

His treatment was also going on. But late Tuesday night when Bhajan’s nephew went to Bhajan’s bed, he started searching here and there, not seeing him on the bed. When I went to the bathroom, I saw that Bhajan’s dead body was hanging with a noose attached to it. Immediately people engaged in hospital management and security system were informed. Police reached the spot and recovered the body of the mentally ill patient from the bathroom and sent it to Rampurhat Medical College Hospital after paperwork for post-mortem. The family members of the deceased have accused the security system and negligence of the hospital regarding the incident. The hospital management has assured to investigate the incident after getting information about the matter. This incident has spread panic among other patients and their relatives.

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