
Matri Navami: This is a special day for the Shraddha rituals of deceased women in the family.

Salil Pandey

The sages have established the Krishna Paksha of Ashwin month as Pitru-Paksha, which is also called Pitru-Ratri, whereas the festival of Navratri is celebrated in Shukla Paksha. The deeper meaning of the nights of these two pakshas is that during Pitru Paksha one should express gratitude towards one’s deceased ancestors, because the sacrifice and penance of the ancestors empowers existence, whereas on the occasion of Navratri, one should live his life according to the religious traditions of his family. To be spent. With this, even the darkness of the night can be illuminated like daylight. This year, Saturday, October 7, the ninth date of Pitru Paksha, will be a special day for Shraddha of deceased women in the family. Especially for the mothers, grandmothers, great-grandmothers, maternal great-grandmothers and elderly great-grandmothers who have passed away, whatever is possible should be offered, tarpan, shraddha and donation should be done with utmost respect for them. Along with this, there is a provision to feed food to a proven worshiper of Gayatri Mantra. Matri Navami should definitely be worshiped for those women who passed away in a fortunate condition.

Do these remedies at home on Matri Navami

Those who have performed Shraddha at home before this date or will do it on any date till Amavasya, they should also prepare some special food in their kitchen on this day and offer it to God along with Tulsi leaves and feed it to cow, crow and dog. Feed the cow with your hands and do not keep it on the ground and feed it on leaves for crows and dogs. It is believed that gods and goddesses reside in every pore of the desi cow.

Be sure to pay special attention to these things

  • Leaf plate should be used in Shraddha and not thermocol/plastic plate.

  • The priest performing Shraddha should also serve food in a leaf plate or metal plate, but iron plate should not be used.

  • Follow the worship rituals performed on the occasion of Matri Navami with full devotion and maintain peace in the family. By performing Shraddha respectfully, one receives special blessings from the ancestors related to biological relations and an atmosphere of positivity is created in the house.

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