
Mathura Yam Dwitiya festival: Thousands of brothers and sisters took a dip in Yamuna holding hands, worshiped to avoid untimely death.

Mathura News: To save their brother from Yama’s trap i.e. untimely death, thousands of sisters held their brother’s hand and took a dip in the Yamuna river on Yama Dwitiya on Wednesday. During this period, the largest crowd of devotees gathered at Vishram Ghat. After taking a dip in Yamuna, the brothers and sisters offered prayers at the Yam Yamuna temple and the sisters prayed to God for the well-being of their brother. In view of the crowd of thousands gathered at Vishram Ghat, the district administration has made strict arrangements. Thousands of people started arriving at Vishram Ghat in Mathura from early morning on Wednesday. Brothers and sisters celebrated Yama Dwitiya festival with great devotion and took a dip in Yamuna river. After this, the brother was made to sit on the seat and applied tilak on him and gave affectionate blessings. After this, the sisters went to the Yamuna temple located on the stairs leading to Vishram Ghat and worshiped by lighting a lamp as per Vedic rituals.

Thousands of sisters in Mathura sought blessings from Yama Yamuna, wishing long and healthy life of their brother. During this time, a huge crowd of brothers and sisters were present at Vishram Ghat, the pilgrimage ghat of Yamuna. The priests present at the ghat conducted the puja of the brothers and sisters as per the rituals. Besides, the Municipal Corporation and the police administration had also made tight arrangements to deal with any incident.

Know what is the mythological belief

According to mythological beliefs, Surya’s wife Sangya had two children. The son’s name was Yama and the daughter’s name was Yamuna. Sanjya started living as a shadow in the North Pole due to her husband not being able to tolerate the strong rays of the sun. From this, Tapti river and Shani were born. From this shadow, Ashwini Kumars, who were always young, were also born, who are considered physicians of the gods. After settling in the North Pole, Sangya (Shadow)’s behavior with Yama and Yamuna changed.

Saddened by this, Yama established his city Yampuri. Yamuna was sad to see her brother Yama punishing sinners, so she went to Goloka. After many years, suddenly one day Yama remembered his sister Yamuna. Yama sent his messengers to find Yamuna, but found her nowhere. Then Yama himself went to Goloka, where he met Yamuna. Yamuna was very happy to meet her brother after so many days.

Yamuna welcomed her brother and provided him a good meal. Yama was pleased with this and asked his sister to ask for a boon. Then Yamuna said that whoever bathes in my water should not go to Yampuri. Due to this, Yama became worried after seeing his brother like this, Yamuna again said that those who eat at sister’s place today and take bath at the resting place of Mathura city, should not go to Yampuri. Yamraj accepted this and gave a boon. This festival of meeting of sister and brother is now celebrated as Bhai Dooj.

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