
Mathura News: Physiotherapist had murdered businessman’s wife, had planned robbery, this is how it was revealed

The wife of a businessman living in an apartment in the Highway police station area of ​​Mathura was murdered. As soon as information about the incident was received, the police reached the spot. After this the police started investigating. The police disclosed this entire matter on Monday. After watching several CCTV footage, it was found that Raghav Sharma, who had come to the woman’s house for physiotherapy, had murdered the woman. The physiotherapist had gone to the house as usual and was planning a robbery. But the woman started screaming after seeing the knife in his hand. After which Raghav slit the woman’s throat and ran away.

The police, which received information about the woman’s murder, started investigation and started watching the CCTV footage installed nearby. With the help of CCTV, the police reached the accused Raghav Sharma. After which the police surrounded him and arrested him and brought him to the police station. When he was strictly interrogated, he confessed to his crime. According to the information, after the murder of the woman, the police analyzed the 6-hour recording from 1:00 pm to 7:00 pm on Sunday. A list of about 40 people was made and investigated thoroughly. In which a young man appeared suspicious. When we inquired about him, we came to know that he was physiotherapist Raghav Sharma who used to come to the society to do physiotherapy.

Physiotherapist is a resident of Delhi

When the police inquired about physiotherapist Raghav Sharma, they came to know that he is a resident of Delhi. After the death of his father, he lives with his mother in Krishna Nagar Mathura. After this the police team reached his house but he was missing from the house. In such a situation, the suspicion of the police became deeper. SSP formed four teams to catch him. On Monday afternoon, the police surrounded him near Govardhan intersection and caught him, after which he brought him to the police station and interrogated him. At first he was reluctant to tell, but when the police interrogated him strictly, he revealed the whole truth.

Raghav told the police that I work as a physiotherapist in the physiotherapy clinic of my uncle Devdutt Sharma. Along with this, I also go to Srinath Apartment for physiotherapy. As usual, Srinath went to the apartment around 2:30 pm on Sunday afternoon. After physiotherapy in a flat, Mani reached Jain’s place. Mani has been undergoing physiotherapy from me for 4 months. On Sunday, when I was doing Mani’s physiotherapy, a robbery plan came to my mind. And thought that I would scare the woman and take away the jewelery and cash. Her husband was also not at home. I slowly brought a knife from the kitchen. Seeing the knife, the woman started screaming and after that I slit her throat with the knife. Due to which the woman died on the spot. After this he ran away with jewelery and cash.

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