
Mathura: 2 kilometer long line of devotees outside Banke Bihari temple, residents imprisoned in homes

Mathura News: A huge crowd of devotees thronged the Banke Bihari temple in Vrindavan on Sunday. The condition of the crowd was such that due to the devotees all the roads to the temple were completely blocked. And there was a line of about 2 kilometers long. It was taking more than an hour for the devotees to reach a short distance. People living in nearby houses could not get out of their houses because of the crowd. In such a situation, all the shopkeepers had to close their shops.

Due to Parma Ekadashi of more month on Saturday, all the devotees had reached Vrindavan. In such a situation, thousands of devotees reached Vrindavan on Sunday also to have darshan of Banke Bihari in the morning. People came with their families and friends, due to which there was a long jam around Banke Bihari temple and on Vrindavan road. Devotees started gathering around the temple from 3:00 am itself. After this, as soon as the doors of the temple opened, there was a line of devotees for about 2 kilometers.

The system of district administration also collapsed

The ever-increasing crowd around the Banke Bihari temple started becoming uncontrollable and due to the huge crowd, the system of the district administration also collapsed. The police personnel kept trying to control the crowd, but the situation remained the same for a long time.

Many devotees told that they have been standing in line for 3 hours, neither moving forward nor able to go back. There is also a lot of thirst, even if you want to go to the Sulabh toilet, you cannot go anywhere. You have to stand in line for hours. All the children and all the elders looked very upset due to this huge crowd and line. All the arrangements of the administration were seen to fail once again.

Let us tell you that there are total 5 gates for entry and exit in Banke Bihari temple. Devotees enter Banke Bihari through gate number 2 and 3. After darshan and worship, devotees are taken out from gate number 1 and 4. At the same time, there is priest and VIP entry from number five gate.

Apart from the area around Banke Bihari, a huge crowd was also seen in the premises of Banke Bihari temple like Janmashtami. According to the information, 1500 to 2000 devotees can stand together in the temple premises and about 350 policemen and more than 100 private security personnel are deployed for the security of the temple.

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