
Mathematics teacher is teaching self-reliance, fate of farmers changed through organic farming

Saumya Jyotsna

Pratibha Tiwari, who was once a mathematics teacher, used to have a lot of enthusiasm for farming, but she was not able to give enough time to her hobby. Finally he decided to do organic farming. It is the result of her hard work that today she is helping 1200 farmers in increasing their income through organic farming.

Pratibha Tiwari (35) of Bhopal was enthusiastic about organic farming from the beginning. She was aware that most of the farmers grow crops using chemicals in the fields, which is very dangerous for health. She tells that her in-laws have 50 acres of land in Harda, 150 km away from Bhopal. Hence, she decided to do organic farming here and left her job as a mathematics teacher. For this, he also enrolled in a course in organic farming in Delhi. Then in the year 2016, he started growing wheat in a small part of the land. He used organic matter like cow dung, organic fertilizers like jeevamrit and mulching etc. to improve the fertility of the soil. Today his annual turnover is more than one crore rupees.

Got support from 1200 farmers

Gradually, seeing the good yield of the farmers, other people also expressed their desire to join them and today 1200 farmers from Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh and Maharashtra have joined them, whose products they sell under their own brand. Pratibha has also tied up with retail outlets, where farmers can sell their produce directly. She encourages farmers to plant medicinal plants in their fields, as this gives them 10% additional income.

Different challenge of organic farming

Pratibha says that on the land where organic farming was being done, the wheat yield had fallen from 18 quintals per acre to about 10 quintals per acre. He also tried to grow moong on some parts of the land, but the entire crop was destroyed by pests. “It was disappointing, but I didn’t give up,” she says. After a lot of hard work and time, the yield gradually improved. By 2019, Pratibha converted her entire land into organic farming and also obtained certification from the government.

created my own brand

Pratibha also started her own organic food brand named ‘Bhumisha Organics’, under which 70 types of products are sold, which include wheat, rice, pulses, spices, pickles, herbs, flour, quinoa, flax and chia seeds and Contains cold pressed oils.

Reached Indonesia

Pratibha has reach of about 400 people in Bhopal, Delhi and Mumbai. They also grow wheat and pulses like horse gram, gram and pigeon pea. He has also planted medicinal plants like Rosella, Moringa, Hibiscus and Aloe Vera. With the government declaring the year 2023 as the International Year of Millets, Pratibha is trying to take full commercial advantage of this opportunity, hence she has signed agreements with two Indonesian firms for the export of millet products. They are striving to make their organic products affordable for customers, so that more and more people can take advantage of it.

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