
Man wins gold after 22 years of legal battle in Agra, consumer commission directs company


Agra: In Agra, Uttar Pradesh, a man has won gold after 22 years of court battle. The State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission has ordered a large beverage company to give 50 grams of 22 carat gold to 52-year-old Shyam Lavania of Mathura. As promised under the cap of the cold drink bottle he had bought in 2001. Actually, Lavania runs a small restaurant. She had bought cold drink bottles for her son’s birthday party on 28 April. In which a reward was announced on a bottle.

Lavania claimed to have demanded the prize money from the retailer, the wholesaler and the company, but all efforts were unsuccessful. After this he took the matter to the District Consumer Forum. Where the forum ruled in his favor and ordered the company to give him gold as a reward. The cold drink company challenged the decision of the district level consumer body in the State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission.

The commission imposed a fine of 5 thousand on the company

But the State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission has ordered the company to give gold within 30 days on 11 April 2023. Along with this, the commission has also imposed a fine of Rs 5,000 on the company for causing financial and mental distress. While giving the order, the commission said that it is very important because companies use such schemes to woo the consumers. But later they hesitate to give benefits. While this is wrong and a violation of the rights of the consumers.

On the other hand, Lavania said that to win the case, a bill of Rs 1,980 for cold drinks purchased as evidence was included, which she had bought from a nearby shop. Along with this, went to Agra to meet the wholesaler on April 30, 2001, had booked a ticket for that time. The company argued before the commission that the offer was valid only till April 30, 2001 and Lavania had failed to receive the gold as a reward within the time period.

It was a long and exhausting legal battle – Lavania

Lavania told that he has studied only till 8th, he further said that I have a keen interest in law and I knew about my rights as a consumer. That’s why I fought for my rights. It was a long and exhausting legal battle. Despite strong evidence, I have had to attend over 100 hearings to prove wrongdoing by the company.

My family and friends tried several times to dissuade me from fighting the case further, calling it a waste of time and money but I kept going. His son Akash said that after the district court’s decision, company officials approached my father several times to settle the matter out of court, but my father refused.


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