
Make cleanliness your companion, diseases will run away, try the tips of germ free house.

Germ Free Home Tips

make home germ free

The beauty of a clean house is something different and this beauty is also visible on the health of the people living in that house. Therefore, to make the house germ free, you will have to take out special time for cleaning in your daily routine. There are some solutions that can help you.

clean dishwashing kitchen sponge

Food is cooked in your kitchen to protect your health. In the same kitchen, some other people can also get captured and they are disease-causing bacteria. Kitchen sponges can be home to a wide range of bacteria. To control these, make a sanitizing solution by mixing vinegar and water. After soaking in this solution for 15 minutes, wash the sponge thoroughly and let it air dry.

clean drains

Bursting drains can spread disease to you. So clean your drains. Give your drains a natural detox once a month. Pour one cup of vinegar and half a cup of baking soda down the drain. After lather and bubbles form for ten minutes, wash with warm water. Apart from cleaning your drains and removing odors, it also makes them fresh and free of disease-causing bacteria.

refrigerator cleaning

Avoid storing bacteria with food in the refrigerator. Use a solution of equal amounts of vinegar and water to clean the refrigerator. It helps in removing stains and odor. Fill a bowl with baking soda or activated charcoal to keep it spotless

It is very important to keep the cutting board clean

You cut the vegetables of your choice on the cutting board, whether it is made of plastic or wood, it is very important to keep it clean. After sprinkling baking soda on them, immediately spray pure vinegar on them and wash with cold water after ten minutes. It keeps those bacteria away and ensures that you get rid of stains and odor.

germ free bathroom

Having a germ-free bathroom is an important part of home cleaning. Whether you use commercial cleaners or a homemade solution of vinegar and baking soda, regular scrubbing is essential to prevent mold, mildew and bacteria.

dry clothes thoroughly in the sun

Wash clothes regularly and dry them thoroughly in the sun. The sun’s natural disinfecting power eradicates bacteria, viruses and fungus that may be on your clothes, towels and bedding. Also add a little vinegar or lemon juice to the laundry cycle.

sweep or vacuum daily

Keeping your floors free from dust and germs keeps them free from disease. Sweep or vacuum daily to remove dust, dirt and debris. After this, dip the mop in a solution of water and detergent or disinfectant. This routine keeps the house germ-free.

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